The Grape & Vape Show S03E12 - The Mysteries of the World = SOLVED!

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So it appears the numbers have dropped for viewings on this show and guess who's fault it is? Yes, that's right, the two dipsticks responsible for talking utter shite on a weekly basis, have firmly placed the blame at my feet. Well sod, em! I don't need this gig, I have much better podcasts to promote, podcasts with actual listeners. So good luck boys, you are gonna need it. you pair of tosspots! I'm outta here, Vic.

The Grape & Vape Show is an unscripted chat between two friends, It Airs live every Sunday at 9pm GMT on & Rumble.

#bullshit #podcast #unscripted #analbleaching #talkshow #liveradio #cookie #spermdonor #funny #justforfun #phonein #bullshit #comedy #gowokegobroke

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