Migratory Jihad and the Crisis of Europe | Serge (Srdja) Trifkovic Speech at 2018 AmRen Conference

1 year ago

Originally published on July 3, 2019

Professor Serge Trifkovic shows how Islam, from the beginning, spread by conquest and expansion. He explains that Islam is a closed system, unlike Christianity, because it is without any spirit of inquiry. Dividing the world into the House of Islam and the House of War, Islam offers the world a simple choice: submission or war.

Europe has experienced great Muslim invasions in the past, but the third great invasion now underway may prove fatal. Prof. Trifkovic lists ways to stop the rise of Islam in America: border security, no more Muslim immigration, and profiling.

Ultimately however, overcoming Islam means overcoming the universalistic liberal view imposed on the West by an elite that feels no loyalty to any country. Unfortunately, unlike Communism in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, the attitudes of the governing class have been internalized by Western populations. Prof. Trifkovic urges us to act with a sense of urgency.

Dr. Trifkovic is the author of Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad. He is a professor of international relations the University of Banja Luka, Serbian Republic, and is Foreign Affairs Editor of Chronicles Magazine. His work has been published in everything from The Times of London to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Dr. Trifkovic's regular articles on global affairs for Chronicles Magazine: https://chroniclesmagazine.org/author/srdjatrifkovic/
Dr. Trifkovic's book 'The Sword of the Prophet' for sale: https://www.amazon.com/Sword-Prophet-History-Theology-Impact/dp/1928653111
Dr. Trifkovic's book 'Defeating Jihad' for sale: https://www.amazon.com/Defeating-Jihad-terror-spite-ourselves/dp/192865326X

The line-up of speakers and overview of the 2018 American Renaissance Conference: https://www.amren.com/2018-american-renaissance-conference/
The rest of the conferences speeches can be found through links in the above link.
A summary write-up of how the 2018 conference went: https://www.amren.com/features/2018/04/amren-2018-the-fire-taking-hold/

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