Replace Failure With Feedback: The Best Way To Deal With Failure And Always Succeed

1 year ago

How to deal with failure? How to overcome failure? Replace Failure With Feedback and you will always succeed.

Failure is defined as a lack of success and we define failure as defeat. So why is it that highly successful people are the ones who have failed the most? The answer is quite simple, the highly successful people replace the word failure with feedback and rise above their criticism, instead of taking it as defeat.

It is very important to replace failure with feedback. This way you will eliminate all the negative connotations that are linked with failure. Feedback encourages constructive thinking and has a positive impact on creativity. Failure is a concept that creates negativity. It breeds pessimistic thinking. The feelings of inadequacy and discouragement that accompany the belief that you are not measuring up discourage and de-motivate further efforts. When you eliminate the concept of failure and replace it with the idea of getting feedback the whole focus shifts. Feedback puts attention on learning what works and doesn’t work. This information allows the person to take risks and seek different solutions. Feedback allows for flexibility. When you recognize something is not working you take another approach. You let go of ‘Ill-formed’ language when you discard the word ‘Failure’.

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