Metal Slug 3 Survival Hack (Neogeo, arcade), Gameplay, Marco and Eri, メタルスラッグ

1 year ago

Metal Slug 3 Survival Hack (mslug3, Neogeo, arcade) - メタルスラッグ

Metal Slug 3 Survival is a hack of Metal Slug 3 that also has features similar to the other Metal Slug hacks played previously, the ability to take multiple hits before dying but having a single life per coin. This hack also have special, but different than the others, it has 2 instead of a single one, here you press Start to execute 1 of the specials and D to execute the other. We played it online on Fightcade.

The gameplay settings are:

Player 1 Emmanuel (Marco, Fio)
Player 2 Me (Eri)
Difficulty: Level 8

I recommend you to play it, but play it already knowing things are going to be nasty, this is one of those hard hacks.

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