9/11 Day of Truth | LIVE NOW | Pentagon, NYC, Shanksville, WHODUNNIT?

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Playlist Timestamps:

0:00 – 8:00 - A Personal Intro into 9/11 Research

8:00 – 2:32:45 – Richard Gage, AIA & the 911 WarRoom Team (Science of Trade Center)

2:32:45 – 4:01:08 – Adam Eisenberg, A boots on the ground, eye witness account from a member of the Old Guard (also he’s an Airplane Parts Specialist) gives his account after 240 hours cleaning up the Pentagon.

4:01:08 – 6:31:56 – Xander Arena, MENSA member and Team Leader of Research with the Orion Project discusses the actual evidence and science of what happened at the Pentagon.

6:31:56 – 7:33:46 – Adam Eisenberg LIVE – Adam gives us an update on the Orion Project including a discussion on the importance of 911 Pentagon mystery man, Lee Wheelbarger, and we take live viewer Questions.

7:33:46 – 7:57:35 – Hidden in Plain Sight – an in depth look at the foreshadowing of the 9/11 attacks, going all the way back to the original builders and designers of the World Trade Center, the Rockefeller Family. WOW.

7:57:35 – 9:25:00 – Matt Cubbler LIVE – Army Veteran, Federal Air Marshall, and 25 year Pittsburgh Cop, After Matt’s best friend was “Suicided” by his own Seal Team including a cover-up, Matt began to study corruption at all levels of Special Ops and Government Lies in the years since 9/11.

9:25:00 – 10:44:08 – “Those We Cannot Name” The shocking evidence of Israeli Zionists controlling nearly EVERY aspect of the 9/11 attack and the US Response to it. This is a personal dialogue that is difficult for me, as I have supported Israel with Questions my entire life until two years ago, but you can’t unsee this evidence.

10:44:08 – End – September 11: The New Pearl Harbor | 911 What Really Happened: This 5-hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. All the most important issues in the debate are presented in full detail showing both positions of those who reject the official version: the 9/11 Truth Movement and those who support it called "debunkers."

We Kick off with Richard Gage AIA, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (now independent).

Follow the ongoing work of Richard Gage: RIchardGage911.org

Gene Laratonda: Founder of 911 WarRoom. Join the Weekly 9/11 Roundtable with Gene and Sandra: 911warroom.com/zoom

Research the Pre-9/11 Fireproofing Upgrades: DigWithin.net

Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org

Follow the Work of Adam Eisenberg, Pentagon First Responder with the Old Guard, Founder of the Orion Project: https://www.instagram.com/awakenedadam/

Follow Xander Arena, Lead of Research for the Orion Project: https://www.instagram.com/awakenedadam/

Jeffrey Epstein and WTC Building Owner Larry Silverstein Connection: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/09/epstein-and-silverstein-cases-uncover-jewish-power-structure/

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