🤮🤮🤮 The real reason people don't tolerate gluten..

1 year ago

About the photo:
I always thought this was a conspiracy, but "they" kept showing that it was not. How many things from this list are already becoming reality?
Agenda 2030 - is this how we want to live our lives? Will this be our children's future?
- Social and carbon credit system
- Drones, facial recognition and motion sensors
- Digital health passport
- Food and energy rationing
- Patenting of seeds and limited access to heirloom foods
- Abolition of sexes
- Strict regulation of drugs and treatments
- Universal basic income
- Controlled fertility/reproduction
- Elimination of cash, CBDC
- Rationing of energy and other natural resources
- Abolition of private property
- Fourth Industrial Revolution (Big
Tech, loT, Al, digital currency)
Don't let this be our reality!

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