⛔️WEF 'agenda contributor' and CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank, Barbara Baarsma,

1 year ago

outlines the neo-feudal nature of the incoming personal carbon allowance system:
"If I want to fly, I buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can't afford to fly, for example… Or if someone lives in a small house, he can sell his carbon emission rights to someone who lives in a big house. This way, poor people can benefit from the green economy."
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About the 2A photo:
🇺🇸 🦅 Nothing more starkly divides Americans than guns. Handing gun owners their wet dream (second only to red dawn), does nothing but energize the militant right and convert others to join them. 
The firearm manufacturing base is in red states where we're already seeing companies cut off blue states from supply, including law enforcement and state agents. Blue State locals (https://archive.ph/qjIDL) have also refused gun grabs outside of major cities.
There is a surge in first-time (https://t.me/CIG_telegram/13839) gun owners spurred by the common threat environment in America today. Something akin to South Africa, where the population lives in different centuries simultaneously.
Arresting peaceful Americans won't suppress (https://archive.ph/ZpRXW) them, it just creates more men with nothing left to lose.

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