September 10, 2023, Mark 4:21-34, "Effectively Listening To Our God" (Live)

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Mark 4:21-34, if any man have ears to hear, let him hear
Matthew 16:24-28, following Jesus
Mark 4:1-9, the different kinds of hearts that could hear

[Listen submissively.]
Mark 4:21-22
Mark 4:21, the obligation of a Christian: a lamp and a light (Gospel of Jesus Christ) should be what a light is meant to be
Psalm 119:105-107, the word of God is a lamp and a light that guides, even in affliction
2 Corinthians 4:6, God gives a light to saved people, with the power and permission and privilege, to go share the light (good news of Jesus Christ) with other people
Mark 4:22, there is a time for the Son of God to be revealed, a time for the Gospel to begin to be spread, a time in the future where there will be the rapture, a time in the future where there will be Tribulation, a time in the future where every knee will bow to Jesus and call Him King of Kings, a time for New Jerusalem to come down, but today is the time to talk about the gift of grace that is freely given and the salvation that comes from Jesus Christ alone

[Listen enthusiastically.]
Mark 4:24-25
Galatians 6:7, whatever a man sows he reaps; if he reaps sparingly he will reap sparingly , or if he reaps bountifully he will reap bountifully
Mark 4:24, onto him who hears, and does, more will be given
Mark 4:25, but onto him who does not hear, and does not do, what he has will be taken away
Mark 4:24-25, James 4:6, more truth and grace will be given to the faithful

[Listen dependently.]
Mark 4:26-29, everything depends on the word of God

[Listen with confidence.]
Mark 4:30-32
Mark 4:31, a mustard seed is smaller than a grain of sand
Mark 4:32, but when the tree grows, the branches are massive
Mark 4:32, the branches are so strong, the nations will flock and return to safety of the kingdom
Mark 4:33-34, Jesus continued to speak in parables to these crowds (for He knew they did not have the ears to listen), but he explained all things to His disciples (for He gave them ears to hear), and those disciples would be responsible for starting the Church shortly after and spreading the word of God to the crowds

[ songs]
Trust In You, 7025522
Faithful Now, 7137533
I'm Listening, 7107534
Word Of God Speak, 3912788
Come As You Are, 7017790
How He Loves, 5032549

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