Stray dog passed out, under the hot sun, after she ​​got hit by a

1 year ago

I'm really sorry to hear about the situation with the stray dog. It's important to act quickly to help the dog and ensure its safety. Here are some steps you can take:

Safety First: Approach the dog with caution, especially if it's injured or frightened. Ensure your own safety and try not to startle the dog.

Check for Immediate Danger: If the dog was hit by a car or is in a hazardous location (e.g., on a busy road), ensure the safety of both the dog and yourself before proceeding.

Call for Help: Contact your local animal control or animal welfare organization, or an emergency veterinary clinic, to report the situation and seek guidance. They may be able to dispatch someone to assist.

Provide Shade and Water: If possible, gently move the dog to a shaded area to protect it from the sun. Offer the dog some water if it's conscious and able to drink, but don't force it to drink.

Do Not Attempt to Move Injured Dog: If the dog is unconscious or appears to have serious injuries, it's best not to try to move it unless it's in immediate danger. Moving an injured animal can worsen its condition.

Keep a Safe Distance:

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