Sound Therapy - Singing Bowl With Pure Energy Healing - international Healer

1 year ago

Mark Bajerski is an international speaker, author, spiritual teacher and the founder of the Pure Energy Healing Academy. Affectionately known as “The Healer of Hearts”, Mark has practiced and developed a unique Pure Energy Healing method helping tens of thousands of people heal themselves and overcome various life challenges.

Mark Bajerski has worked as an acclaimed intuitive-healer for numerous clients including professional athletes, students, royalty, artists, celebrities, corporations, health organizations and various leaders in over 30 countries. He guides clients to transform their own energy blocks and lower vibration towards a higher-self, through a healing modality of Pure Energy Healing.

“The heart that gives is always full.” This is one of Mark Bajerski’s principal philosophies and one which he practices in his everyday life. Mark’s life passion and work is to empower, uplift and help people strengthen their own spirit. He helps people shift their energy of fear, pain, stress, confusion and move towards living a life with trust, happiness, clarity and peace.

After years of practicing one-on-one healings, intuitive readings and being voted Spain’s number 1 Psychic in 2012/13 Mark wanted to impact more lives. He founded the Pure Energy Healing Academy and became a master teacher of Pure Energy Healing method. His uplifting and inspirational videos have reached millions of people through his YouTube Channel.

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