Jeff Sessions Gives Press Conference After President Trump Criticism

7 years ago

Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a press conference just one day after President Donald Trump expressed regret over his decision to nominate Sessions. During an interview with the New York Times, President Trump stated that had he known Sessions was going to recuse himself from the notorious Russia investigation, he would not have been nominated.

The president called the recusal unfair, and said Sessions simply gave bad answers to questions he was asked. Despite criticism from the president, Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered optimistic remarks, praising the Justice Department and reassuring the public that he would remain Attorney General for "as long as that is appropriate."

Sessions recused himself after it was made public that he had met with a Russian ambassador during the campaign and failed to disclose that information during his confirmation hearing in January. He has continued to express his support for the Trump Administration and insists that he's truly passionate about leading the Justice Department.

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