VFF Connects 2023 Highlights

1 year ago

In May 2023, over 150 VFF and RCR team members from around New Zealand gathered to reflect on, and celebrate, our recent successes.

This conference was also an opportunity to educate, motivate
and inspire each other through
our varied experiences and skills.

We hosted presentations on local groups, the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals, how we influence politics, the power of social media, and of course, our strategy for a strong, prosperous and free New Zealand.

Each courageous local and regional coordinator represents thousands of VFF supporters from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island.

Voices For Freedom receives funding via donations from thousands of Kiwis.

This special weekend would not have been possible without the generous support of our event sponsors, who understood the vision and value of bringing our wider team together in one place.

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