The Sparrow Power Animal

1 month ago

Hello friends and welcome to the world of power animals where we learn the advantages of working with our spirit animals. Today we’ll talk about the sparrow.

There are 138 species of sparrows in the world. They can be found in urban or country areas eating seeds, grain, fruit, and insects. They’re social birds that enjoy living in close knit flocks.
The plain looking sparrow has camouflaged plumage but is always aware of their surroundings, thanks to their good sight and excellent hearing. They have a simple, carefree nature and like to move from tree-to-tree chirping cheerful songs. As masters of flight, the assertive sparrow goes for what they want.

Sparrows are not easily ambushed since they act fast when sensing danger. They’re brave and can hold their own if feeling threatened. The alert sparrow is watchful as they know that their small size makes them targets of predators. Sparrows mate for life and work together to feed and protect their hatchling who begin to fledge at around 2 weeks. They enjoy looking for food, building nests, and taking care of their young.

They’re very resilient and can survive in just about any weather. The humble sparrow is a symbol of adaptability, cooperation, and freedom. Call on their spirit when you want to appreciate the simple things in life. Visit our website to learn how to tap into the hidden powers of the animals. Thank you for subscribing and have a great day.

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