…what is un agenda 2021 & 30?

1 year ago

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what is un agenda 2021 & 30
10.47 all the world is a stage
12.58 attack on humanity
14.24 are you going to comply
16.38 censorship
19.25 wiki contrled by kazars
21.26 usery
23.49 UK Column Extracts CASH FOR CONVID - JABS START 911
27.49 mmr 10 days later dead
29.55 next pandemic
30.30 new vax merderna
32.16 kazars
33.03 kingdom of the kazars
35.06 knights Templar
38.26 fake god ai
40.31 do they all have doubles
41.50 deep state revelation
46.25 baillif clamps
50.30 was school crewated by evil

https://ourtube.co.uk/ Ceylon
https://www.bitchute.com Ceylon
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https://ugetube.com/@ceylon Ceylon
https://tlbtalk.com/ ceylon
https://gab.com/ ceylon
https://wego.social/ceylon mark ceylon
https://mewe.com mark ceylon
https://www.minds.com/ceylonx ceylonx
https://gettr.com/ ceylonx
https://www.instagram.com/ ceylon.goodf

…what is un agenda 2021 & 30?

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