The ICU Doctor is so Rude and Keeps Telling that My Sister in ICU Wants Only to Die. What Will I Do?

1 year ago

The ICU Doctor is so Rude and Keeps on Telling that My Sister in ICU Wants Only to Die. What Will I Do?

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Here is also a link to case studies

“You can also check out previous 1:1 consulting and advocacy sessions with me and Vickie here.”

Part 1

He said that he had been telling Dr. Ford that this type should not be tapped because it pulls out protein which exacerbates the problem (Why did Dr. Ford attempt to proceed anyway? – and without asking me or her family?! We are glad my sister said no!) Dr. David admitted to me that he was puzzled about why my sister could not take more food. He asked where she had been living and if they fed her okay.

He said he does not like bolus feeds because it is too easy for nurses to sign off that they fed them when they did not. He said she had been malnourished for a long time. He was direct, stating that the reason she was not getting better was because of her malnourishment.

He asked how long it had been since her brain injury, and Vickie told him almost 8 years. Later, Vickie saw that he put on my sister’s record that she had been bed ridden for 10 years, which was not true! She had her accident in 2012, but she was walking and living a fairly normal life until her hospitalization, and subsequent failed shunt, and later psychosis, which resulted in her being wheelchair bound for 1 year and bed ridden for 5 months.


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