Alaska Law Enforcement Training Academy class video. Class ALET 1701 πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ€ΊπŸ₯Š

1 year ago

Joined the Alaska Law Enforcement service at the age of 39.
Graduated the Alaska, Department of Public Safety Academy class ALET 1701.

Joined the United States Army service at the age of 33.
Graduated the US Army Basic Combat Training class 1st PLT- CO Charlie - BN 2 - 39th INF REG.
Graduated the US Army Ordnance School class 06-12.
Graduated the US Army NCO Academy class 13-008.

Joined the Philippine Army service at the age of 18. (served from 1996 - to - 2007).
Graduated the Armed Forces of the Philippines MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUCTOR Course class 01-99.

Graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (batch October 2007).
Graduated Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (batch April 2000).

Eskrima-Kali-Arnis FIGHTER, INSTRUCTOR, TRAINER since 1994.

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