Mind Unveiled - Homunculus Unveiled

1 year ago

0:02:55 Intro
0:04:42 Ancient References To Medicine
0:08:49 Redi Debunks Spontaneous Generation
0:12:24 Secret Societies Intro
0:15:00 Common Homunculus Themes
0:16:25 Medieval References Intro
0:16:50 John Dee 0:18:35 Hermes Hermeticism
0:21:13 Mandrake
0:22:57 Golem
0:25:46 Albertus Magnus
0:29:02 Egyptian Alchemy
0:31:51 Paracelsus Intro
0:34:07 Paracelsus De Natura Rerum
0:49:58 Influential Medieval Authors
0:52:27 Robert Fludd
0:53:49 Martin Ruland The Elder
0:54:26 Giambattista della Porta
0:57:51 Oswald Croll
0:59:03 Johann Hartmann
1:01:12 Michael Maier
1:03:51 Against The Law To Make Alchemy
1:04:06 Theatrum Chemicum
1:05:24 Johann Ambrosius Seibmacher
1:06:30 Spontaneous Generation Debate
1:08:51 Robert Boyle
1:10:42 History of Optics
1:15:18 Malpighi
1:19:26 The Debate Continues
1:23:56 Andrew Crosse
1:29:35 Modern Studies
1:30:06 Ancient Sources
1:30:31 Book Of The Cow
1:36:36 Cow Contents
1:47:34 Bugonia
1:56:47 Final Contents of Liber Vaccae
2:00:14 Arabic Sources
2:16:40 Arabic Spontaneous Generation
2:18:33 Human Homunculus Arabic
2:24:25 Occult Secrets Eye
2:38:15 Rosicrucians Intro
2:41:02 Rosicrucians and Freemasons
2:42:19 Templar Intro
2:54:04 Templar Artifacts
3:10:32 Break Down of Artifacts
3:19:14 Templars Wealth
3:29:35 Templars Cannabis
3:38:51 Templars and The history Of England
3:48:54 Editing the Bible
3:51:36 Francis Bacon Son Of Queen Elizabeth
3:54:11 The Elizabethan Era and the Tudors
3:56:16 Rosicrucians and the Tudors
3:57:50 Alchemical Shakespeare
4:01:50 Secret Rosicrucian History
4:10:12 Templars Black Death
4:11:59 Roger Bacon
4:32:49 Alchemical Secrets in the Bible
4:51:36 Abraham
4:55:12 Alchemy Bible
5:16:04 Jesus Time
5:20:52 Jesus Homunculus
5:24:15 Medieval Art Start
5:40:29 Jesus Giving Birth
5:43:01 Mary Magdalene
5:52:41 Isis Prophet
5:55:47 Red Eggs
6:05:54 Three Marys
6:11:35 Three Wise Men
6:18:14 Rome Ancient Paintings
6:24:20 Fra Angelico
6:43:38 Heironymous
6:44:52 Juice Paintings
6:47:18 Jesus Resurrection
6:48:53 Jesus The Homunculus
6:50:43 Holy Lance
6:52:32 Orphic Egg Reincarnation
6:56:19 Mithras the Homunculus
7:03:07 Mithraism Secret Societies
7:13:11 The Ultimate Secret
7:15:18 Homunculus and Repopulation
7:15:31 The Witches
7:25:38 Hans Baldung Grien
7:33:57 BirthFromAno
7:46:16 Hell Mouth and The Apocalypse
7:47:36 The Last Judgement
7:52:08 Coronation of the Virgin
7:54:18 The Mystery of Azoth
7:56:23 Red Angels
8:00:36 Fountain of Youth and Jesus
8:02:35 Geirynomous Secret
8:16:37 Pieter Brueghel Elder
8:17:40 Alchemical Secrets
8:25:13 Voynich
8:38:16 Peacock Stage
8:39:56 Ampitheatrum
8:47:19 Strange Alchemica
8:48:10 Petro Bonus
8:50:27 Pretiosissimum
8:51:37 Rosarium Philosophorum
8:52:40 Count Johann
8:56:10 Hybrids
8:57:59 The Occult Double Or Body of Light
9:00:40 Astralbody1
9:05:57 Liber Vaccae
9:46:24 Final Thoughts

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