if this isn't an AI pos program I dont know what is or would be Kids are or were involved as well s

1 year ago

OK, I hear how I refuse follow their orders. and how I'm to do this and or that.
But they don't have the right to be self acclaimed authority.
You can't send v2k to someone and say they have authority over them NO!
Plus most of if I speak at all with their AI interference you can't hardly tell what it is I say anyhow. But I do not speak at the end that is not my voice at all.
You should also hear the Indian chanting going on and the voices and singing.
Do you hear about the middle that I am supposed to say I am sorry for murdering their people? BS I've not kill anyone, plus AI is not people.
But all their claims to authority is false you can't do this to people and think you will get a way with it.
They make non nonsensical and all sorts of false claims. I also hear them tell me to murder someone. And or to do something.
again these companies are transmitting v2k.
The first one is a kids play site and it uses bots and music bots.
The second one is another Networking site like upwork or sometihing.
The last one is a podcast networking site

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