Cooperation is the Enemy | Barbarians inside the Gate

1 year ago

#economics #statism #cooperation

The market is characterized by human cooperation. Statism is characterized by violence. The two can’t exist simultaneously. Therefore, statism is the enemy of cooperation. Society is the outcome of peaceful cooperation. It must destroy any peaceful actions to claim to improve anyone’s standard of living. Societies don’t automatically form. They need humans to cooperate. Humans create societies through peaceful action.

Peaceful action is what separates man from beast. Society would never form if peaceful action didn’t improve our standard of living. The division of labor exists because man recognizes his standard of living will be higher with cooperation. Man doesn’t have to turn into Aristotle or Goethe to recognize this. This is the nature of man. This isn’t the nature of a few. Statism seeks to destroy peaceful cooperation and the nature of man.

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