BronnyNZ out in Henderson, Ak 5:00pm Friday 8 September 2023 #PopUpBillboards

1 year ago

A beautiful afternoon presented itself for around 8-10 West Auckland supporters of New Zealand Loyal. With the NZ General Election now only 4 weeks up ahead, it's a call out for all hands on deck. Get connected to a local NZ Loyal Action Network Group near you Let's do the impossible. Let's scare the hell out of Blackrock's Larry Fink! He won't know what the heck has hit him now that he's attacked our shores. Hasn't he heard? Nothing can stop what is coming! Nothing! The people sleep no more.

See article - "Meet BlackRock: the ‘Architect of Woke Capitalism’ Destroying America from Within" published 23 August 2022. Quotes:

"It’s an innocuous-looking initialism that swims among a sea of other investment terms. But make no mistake, ESG, or “Environmental, Social, and Governance,” is a vicious shark that’s leaving higher prices for energy, housing, and groceries in its wake.

"Much like China’s social credit system which the Communist government wields to reward citizens for approved behaviours and penalise them for non-compliance, the ESG investment scheme similarly seeks to transform American society by assigning companies a score to compel their adherence to a set of subjective goals.

"Larry Fink, chairman and CEO of BlackRock Investment Management Company, has been referred to as the “architect of woke capitalism.” Together in coordination with other financiers, Fink has sought to weaponise pension funds through ESG to make radical changes to our economy that would never be approved in a legislature or ballot box..."


NZ Loyal website. Go to for all kinds of information. See our latest candidates... all beautiful open-hearted people. We ourselves are the answer we have been waiting for. Give your party vote to NZ Loyal on 14th October. A vote for NZ Loyal is a great BIG, FAT, HUGE vote for YOURSELF and your family. Do it! Just do it! Then watch how your life so radically changes in 2024.
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