One Framework, Two Views, July 25 2022 || ICT Inner Circle Trader Twitter Space

1 year ago

ict twitter spaces - This Episode was originally uploaded on the 25 July 2022.

In this episode ICT shares an epic speech, what it takes to succeed in this business, and much more. Check out the Inner Circle Trader's Twitter! This is the place to go if you're looking to learn about trading, smart money concepts, and more. You won't find a more engaged and helpful mentor!

All credit goes to ICT - The Engineer & Creator Of Smart Money Concepts
"The Ghost in the Machine"
Twitter: @I_Am_The_ICT
Youtube: @InnerCircleTrader

Why? As a new student I found it quite tiresome to find all ICTs twitter spaces, so I downloaded them for ease of access.
Transcript:So obviously, you know, we had analysis given on Friday and this is kind of like part of the video that would otherwise like, make people roll their eyes and, you know, oh this. Brags, it's not bragging, okay? But to get it out of me today and not include it in tonight's review, which will allow it to be a little bit quicker too.

I'm gonna talk a little bit about this here, which is how I teach, how I get my students to learn, how to trust themselves and how I lend my experience. So this morning I shared with you what my expectations were for s and p. Now, if you go back and look at the tweet, first glance, it's gonna look ambiguous. It's gonna be up or down. It's not up or down. Okay? The chart is showing you all the discount array, the low on the day, the fair value gap that's below equilibrium of the range. I've actually highlighted. And I showed you the fair value gap I was watching, which was the initial one, which in my mind was a little bit too early on a day that doesn't have a whole lot of news. And eight 30 was kind of quiet. So I said in the tweet, I said I would, you know, dig it higher. I would run one more time higher, and then you know that that's where I'm looking for down there, those discount arrays. If I was looking for something north, I would've told you where I'm looking for it. The chart shows exactly what the framework is. Now, if you're coming to me without any experience with me at all, it's gonna be frustrating. If you're here to try to get me to give you a trade signal, a setup, buy here, sell here, stop here, target here, partials here. I don't do that, folks. I don't do that for the people that actually paid me. Okay? I don't do signal services. Now, I could, obviously, you can see that I'm capable of doing that, but why will I? Refrain from doing it. I want you to understand this, okay? I've had a lot of people come to me through my private group and a lot of them paid to learn this skill set. I promise them just like I'm promising them again publicly, I will not operate a signal service because there's a lot of my students that are actually doing it. They're operating signal services, and do I have a problem with that? Absolutely not. Nope. I don't. I don't have any problem with it at all, and it would be a really shitty move for me to go out here and start doing that and take any interest away from any of my students being able to do that as a business.You won't be doing what I'm doing. And the folks that look past all that and say, you know what? I'm gonna work with what he's given me, and we're gonna see what we see. Those are the individuals that stuck with it. Now, today, I gave you kind of like the 2016. Version of what I was doing, sitting down with the private group in my daily sessions, I would outline something, I would point to something. I didn't have it drawn up on the chart like I was giving it to you, but I would talk about where I felt it was likely to go. Now, what am I doing there? I'm lending you my experience. This is where bias is framed. So the framework is what we're talking about here today. Now, there's two views. The uninitiated, the people that have no experience with me, how I teach, they look at that and think it's incomplete or it's two sides.

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