Cogitations about the worth of a soul s5e167

1 year ago

In today's society, where the theory of evolution gains acceptance, there is a troubling trend emerging – the idea that the value of animal life equals that of human life. This shift in perspective challenges our understanding of the worth of a human soul compared to earthly possessions.

It appears that the world may have lost sight of the inherent value of a soul, a precious entity crafted by the divine. In this installment of Cogitations, we shall delve into the tale of Jonah and extract a valuable insight from this profound narrative. Have you ever pondered the true value of a soul?

Here is the article:

#materialism #captiolism #christinaity #jonah #bibletime #bibleverse #biblestory #biblelesson #godslove #godislove #churchofchrist #methodistchurch #episcopalchurch #baptistchurch #luthrenchurch #denominationalchurch #demonitations #christendom #youhavevalue #mentalhealth

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