Men Are Waking Up & Feminists Aren't Happy - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a bunch of great people that have been giving me superlikes on my Sandman 2 YouTube channel. So I thought I'd cover a topic in their honor. They know who they are. Recently I came across a post called: "Men are finally waking up, and feminists aren't happy" and the woman make it says this and I quote: "How did so many men become so angry so fast? I'm a 24-year-old female and left for a three-week vacation and came home to family, friends, and coworkers suddenly using all this "men's rights" and manosphere slang. I won't repeat it here, but the more I learn, the more frightening it is. My fiancee laughed about my cousin's so-called pretty privilege, than asked me what I "brought to the table" as a partner other than looks and education. For the first time in 2.5 years, he asked me in uncomfortable detail about my past partners. I answered honestly and he replied that we'll be splitting every expense from now on (he earns at least 5x what I do) I've reached out to friends and family then, but no conversation (with the exception of my dad) has gone further than asking how much my fiancee earns. Then awkward silence. Is this gaslighting, or am I just going insane? The context is all he does is play video games while spending two hours a day promoting his family's company online. Nice that he has time to learn about "men's rights." I, on the other hand,actually work." unquote. Here's hoping that I've made enough of a contribution to the manosphere in the last ten years to add to this woman's fiancee's red pill rage. This woman is getting a taste of equality and she doesn't like it. She sounds like a gold digger getting together with a man that has a successful family business. He makes 5x the money that she does partially because his family is paying him more and also because he's working smarter instead of harder. But some people have said that this is a fake post. Maybe, but red pill ideas have been seeping into the culture for quite some time. Even mentioning Andrew Tate's name in English schools will get kids suspended. That's how powerful manosphere ideas are. Women don't know how to adapt in this digital world where ideas about women spread from one man's mind to another like a virus. A woman can't always control what a man listens to online. Just look at this woman going on her three week long vacation and leaving her fiancee unsupervised at home long enough for him to find and listen to enough content about female nature, digest it and start to question the relationship. She of course feels powerless and is only posting this to whine, complain and use everyone that will listen to her complain as her emotional tampon.

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