If you've Never Caught BIG Smallmouth Bass, Pay Attention! ☝ #shorts #fishing #fishingshorts #short

1 year ago

I went fishing with my wife to what we call, the power station, which generates electricity for the area. We brought different styles,shapes and sizes of lures and some worms as well for bait. We also noticed there were some minnows, swimming around near shore, so I decided to put on an old Rapala, that was silver and blue and tossed it out in the turbulent waters and let it swing into a seam of slower water. It wasn't long before I started to hook into some Smallies! This BIG one came out to play and hit aggressively and fought hard in the strong current. Pay attention to what the fish are eating and you too, can be rewarded with several great fish, perhaps even a new personal best!


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