Clark County Today Weekly News - September 8, 2023

1 year ago

In this week's edition of the Clark County Today News Podcast, we bring you the latest updates from Clark County, Washington. The headlines include a positive resolution between Camas School District and the Public School Employees Union, allowing students to return to classrooms after a teachers' strike. Sheriff John Horch's unexpected role in ensuring road safety during a recent concert event is also highlighted. Additionally, we cover the grand opening of the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center, the success of the 2023 Clark County Fair, and the political contest in Southwest Washington's Third Congressional District. Stay informed by visiting for more in-depth coverage.

#ClarkCountyToday #Podcast #CamasSchoolDistrict #PublicSchoolEmployeesUnion #TeachersStrike #SheriffJohnHorch #RoadSafety #FirmlyPlantedHomeschoolResourceCenter #ClarkCountyFair #ThirdCongressionalDistrict #VancouverWa #ClarkCountyNews #ClarkCountyToday

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