How to Make Calisthenics Exercises HARDER!

1 year ago

In today's video I discuss how to make calisthenics exercises HARDER! The main way we do this is by manipulating leverage to use to our advantage. What does this do exactly? Well let me explain!

Manipulating leverage is a fancy way of saying exercise progression BASICALLY. Going from pushups to one arm pushups is one way to manipulate an exercises leverage and make the exercise MUCH more difficult.

You can also manipulate leverage to make an exercise easier, again using pushups as our example you can do incline pushups. Progressing from incline pushups as your start and eventually going on to full pushups is another way we can use progressive overload to our advantage to hypertrophy the muscles with calisthenics.

To sum up the above paragraphs manipulating leverage to make an exercise harder basically means you are now pushing a higher percentage of your own bodyweight (just pushing heavier weight) thus making an exercise harder. Such is the case for pseudo planche pushups as well. The closer your hands get towards your center of gravity in an exercise the harder that exercise will become!

There are other ways to progress in calisthenics as well, such as the most simple way ever, adding more weight to yourself! Weighted calisthenics is one of the best ways to build muscle at home. Its dead simple to progress. Pushups too easy? Add weight! Boom, simple efficient progression over time.

Of course adding weight, manipulating leverage, and combining those two are highly effective ways to progress, there are also other ways to progress in calisthenics such as decreasing rest time in between sets, doing slower eccentrics or reps, doing fast explosive reps, etc. It's very important to train like a bodybuilder if your goal is to build muscle.

Even with calisthenics, you still have to have a good understanding of basic bodybuilding principles in order to train effectively. This includes having good nutrition, getting enough sleep, and making sure your well recovered ready for your next workout. Remember, you don't grow muscles by working out, you tear them down. They only grow bigger while you're resting and sleeping while getting adequate protein in.

All in all as long as you use the principle of progressive overload, get enough sleep and protein in, you will make gains and build more muscle! Building muscle is generally the same be it with weightlifting or bodyweight aka calisthenics training. It's up to you to simply put in the work to grow bigger and more asthenic.

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