Meat & Keto Livestream Chat

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Join Richard Smith and Coach Stephen for this exclusive Rumble only livestream.

* Carbs are not the way to go

- Tim Noakes recently came out and said that carbs are not the way to go and that glycogen is essential for energy.

* The damaging effects of oxalates

- Consuming calcium binds oxalates and reduces their health damaging effects.
- Foods that contain oxalates are incredibly damaging.

* Beef is not inherently bad for you

- Beef is not inherently bad for you. Pregnant women should still eat beef, and people with certain medical conditions can consult with their doctor before consuming beef.

* Glucose production and gluconeogenesis

- Rapid gluconeogenesis and slow gluconeogenesis were discussed in relation to glucose production.

* Protein has been feared within the community

- Protein has been feared within the community for a long time.

* The time it takes for the body to adapt

- It takes at least six months for the body to adapt, and possibly even beyond 12 months.

* Mitigating oxalates with calcium

- Increasing calcium intake can lower oxalates within the body and reduce their negative impact.
- Reducing protein and salt while increasing calcium intake can also improve the situation.

* Protein and calcium loss

- Consuming too much protein can lead to elevated levels of calcium in the urine, but it doesn't cause bone degradation.
- Increasing protein intake leads to a net gain of calcium in the bone.

* Risk of cardiovascular disease

- Calcium supplementation or dietary calcium intake from 700 to 1000mg per day significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 15%.
- Multiple studies have come to the same conclusion.

* Avoiding calcium supplementation

- It is advised to avoid adding calcium to electrolyte production or taking calcium supplements.
- The focus should be on removing oxalate-containing foods from the diet instead.

* Danger of oxalate ingestion

- Ingesting as little as 4 to 5g (4000 to 5000mg) of oxalates can be lethal for adults.
- Foods such as rhubarb and spinach can contain high amounts of oxalates.

* Oxalates in supposedly healthy foods

- Spinach and turmeric, which are often considered healthy, also contain oxalates.
- Consumption of these oxalate-rich foods can have damaging effects.

* Clearing out stored oxalates

- It can take years to clear out stored oxalates from the body.
- Adding calcium can help bind to oxalates during the clearing process.

* Alternative to calcium for oxalate dumping

- Potassium citrate or magnesium citrate can be more effective for oxalate dumping.
- These chelating agents can be found in abundance, such as in nuts.

* Oxalic Acid and Plants

- Oxalic acid plays a role in plants, particularly in drawing up minerals from the soil.
- When the leaves are flat on the soil, oxalic acid is still absorbing minerals.
- The acid is the key to obtaining minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
- Plants need more than just calcium, so other minerals are also important.

* The Importance of CO2 and Trees

- CO2 is important for plant growth.
- Cutting down trees for wind farms in Scotland is seen as ridiculous.
- Trees act as natural sinks, absorbing CO2 and producing oxygen.
- Mono cropping and pumping CO2 into plants is not ideal.

* Interview with Tim Noakes

- Tim Noakes, known for advocating carb loading, now believes carbs are not the way to go.
- He discovered that the body can create glycogen through other processes.
- Questions for Tim Noakes are encouraged for the upcoming interview.

* Glycosylation and Glycoproteins

- Certain sugars are essential for coating the surface of cells in glycoproteins.
- The glycol calyx, a protective barrier in arteries, is affected by carb consumption.
- Proteins do not have the same negative impact on the glycol calyx.
- Dr. Kilts will discuss glycosylation in an upcoming live stream.

* Dr. Kilts and Tim Noakes will be discussing fascinating topics.

- Dr. Kilts will be talking about cell and proliferation next week.
- Tim Noakes' life has been tough since going low carb.

* Live streams on Rumble can be watched later as recordings.

- Live streams on Rumble are exclusive and not available on YouTube.
- Improvements are being made to the live stream setup.

* Concerns about calcium intake and its effects.

- Milk, including A2 milk and raw milk, can cause issues like intestinal permeability.
- Cheese is often better tolerated due to added enzymes.

* Protein does not pull you out of a ketogenic state.

- Gluconeogenesis from protein is demand driven and does not affect the insulin to glucagon ratio.
- Increasing protein intake does not hinder ketosis or its benefits.

* Ketone production and efficiency

- Richard explains that while his ketone levels may appear to be lower, his body is actually utilizing ketones more efficiently.
- This process of keto adaptation can take at least six months, and benefits may continue even beyond the 12-month mark.

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