Dr. Alveda King: Praying for Spiritual Enlightenment

1 year ago

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Chairman of the Center for the American Dream at America First Policy Institute.
Founder, Speak for Life

Civil Rights Activist
Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Christian Evangelist
Pro-life Advocacy
FOX NEWS Contributor
Host "Alveda King's House on Fox Nation
Former Georgia State Legislature
2021 Recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
Film & Music Veteran
Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and a Christian Evangelist. Author of the best seller KING RULES and WE’RE NOT COLORBLIND, she is also founder of Speak for Life, Chairman of the Center for The American Dream -AFPI, and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of "Alveda King’s House" on Fox Nation and a NEWSMAX opinion contributor; a member of Optimist International; former college professor; and a film and music veteran. Alveda is also a former Georgia State Legislator, college professor, a twice assigned Presidential appointee, and a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.
As an African American woman, born in America over 70 years ago, I pray that we will remain or become one nation under God. I vote Pro Life and I pray for every candidate. In the prayer lane, I am not employed by any political party nor any political campaign.

I pray for myself and everyone that "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints…" -- Ephesians 1:18 KJV

We should not invite God out of the voting booth. We need to pray and vote for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; for every human being; for human dignity; from the womb to the tomb into eternity.

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