Beth Midrash Parasha Vaetchanan- Answering prayers and turning the other cheek. Any relation?

1 year ago

What does Yeshua mean here by taking up a passage from Lamentations; Lam. 3:30 Let him turn his cheek to the one that smites; for the sake of the fear of the Lord, let him be filled with insult. Luke 6:29 If anyone strikes you on one cheek, present him the other also. If someone takes your coat, don't stop him from taking your tunic again. Luke 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and do not claim your property from him who takes it.
If anyone takes from you, He allows it; if anyone strikes you, He allows it; if anyone curses, He allows it. He wants us to understand what is happening! Nothing can take your coat or hit if He doesn’t allow it!!

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