1 year ago

World Health Sovereignty Summit 2023!!! Get ready!
Launching the series on September 11 (1 pm CDT start time, open to the world) - the unforgettable date that solidified the weaponisation of government and media.

We will kick off this thoughtfully curated, month-long and diverse gathering of experts from medicine, law, academia, and the forefront of activism with a powerful panel featuring Dr. Naomi Wolf, Del Bigtree, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and Dr. Lee Merritt. These icons and medical revolutionaries will kick-start our journey, followed by live media drops and personal messages from an incredible line-up of frontline activists.

The World Health Sovereignty Summit transcends a mere event – it represents a powerful movement, igniting pivotal change and reaffirming our authority over wellness choices.

In the current challenging landscape of health concerns, where the threat of imminent attacks on medical sovereignty with new tyrannical measures looms large informed, balanced, and independent decision-making cannot is critical. This need for discernment has never been more vital.

The engaging conversation beginning on September 11th at 1 pm CDT will flow into October as we share meaningful messages, profound thoughts, and remarkable highlights across our websites and social media platforms. From insights to actionable advice, these invaluable nuggets of wisdom will guide us through the challenges ahead with clarity and purpose.

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Presented by your host Sacha Stone

@newearthproj on Telegram

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