Law 7 : get others to do the work, but always take the credit for it

1 year ago

🌟 Welcome back to our enthralling journey through Robert Greene's "48 Laws of Power" on our YouTube channel! In this captivating episode, we invite you to explore the intricate web of power dynamics as we unravel the enigmatic Law 7. Prepare to be enthralled as we draw inspiration from historical luminaries and weave their stories into a tapestry of strategic brilliance.
🔥 Join us on a strategic odyssey that beckons you to master the art of getting others to do the work for you while ensuring you always take the credit. Enter the world of Nikola Tesla, a brilliant Serbian scientist who embarked on a quest to revolutionize electricity in the late 19th century.
🌐 Subscribe, like, and ring the notification bell to embark on this enlightening expedition with us. Together, we'll decode the essence of 48 Laws of power and unlock the power of strategic brilliance in the pursuit of recognition and success.
#MasteringLaw7 #TakingCredit #HarnessingOthers #StrategicBrilliance #TeslaVsEdison #PowerOfRecognition #UnveilingPowerDynamics #IgniteYourInfluence #48LawsOfPower #TalesOfStrategicMastery
Music track: Magnificent by Pufino
Background Music for Video (Free)

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