U.S. To Assassinate Niger Coup Leaders? Putin's Intel Drops A Bombshell #africa #war #niger #ecowas

1 year ago

U.S. To Assassinate Niger Coup Leaders? Putin's Intel Drops A Bombshell - Nations like the United States and France have unequivocally expressed their positions regarding the recent coup d'états occurring in certain African countries. However, aside from imposing sanctions, there has been no indication of these major powers actively intervening in these coup situations. However, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has reported that the U.S. government is deliberating the possibility of taking action against the leaders of the newly established military administration in Niger Republic, which assumed power in late July.
According to the SVR statement the United States is contemplating the potential of taking direct action against the leaders of Niger's National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, the group responsible for orchestrating the military coup against Niger President Mohamed Bazoum.
As per intelligence received by the SVR, the United States is evidently dissatisfied with the unfolding events in Niger, where an interim government led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani recently assumed control following a military coup. Washington is actively exploring strategies not only to curb the rise of Africa as a significant center of influence in the multipolar world—a development seen as potentially perilous for Western interests—but also to assert its influence in the strategically vital Sahel region, effectively taking over the role previously held by France, stated the SVR press office.

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