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Putting 'Interferers' in their Place: Blessing a Tour for the Good of Humanity
I have interacted a couple of times with a three letter agency, and I am going back to this large-tendrilled hydra to do some more work…
On this level, with this etheric work, I take on the persona of a spiritual general here…
2.22 “Interference of any kind to the free will of humanity, is not correct. I describe how there is active interference in the work of an important person arranging something. How misinformation is being spread, so that arrangements cannot be made. It is an attempt to sabotage large gatherings being created for information and inspiration of many, many people.
3.05 I ask myself what I want to do about this. I’d love to just wave a magic wand but….I am going to build the fullest connection I can achieve and then, receive information as to what can be done.
3.41 I prepare using sound frequency singing with overtones.
5.05 I request information of the, “ best possible way of interfering with, and disabling these entities seeking to interfere, with this process of free-will organisation.
6.03 What I see is a collection of ‘them’ spread out, like the wild horsemen, doing their best to sweep out and spread the misinformation. ( Reminds me of the Wraiths in the Lord of The Rings…) And my instinct is to blow a wind upon them, that their hair is flung back against their progress.
6.20 I command Prime Creator to blow these elements together into one corral, that we may see who we are dealing with.
7.16 What I see now, is a rope going around, attaching each one to the other, their hands are roped together in one long chain. And we march them into the corral. I ask how many there are: 87
7.35 “hands-up who is a human being here?” (I jest- they only have one hand free…) 13
7.39 I place the 13 humans into a separate space- a faraday cage.
7.48 I command everything else to look at me, “who and what are you?” “Interference agents.” “Have you been operating by yourself, or using other humans?” I ask. “Piggy-backing and influencing humans. (We are) Essences,- those that occupy and possess.”
8.20 I tell them we send such guys back to Source. I tell them if anyone among them wishes to explain their behaviour, I will listen momentarily.
“We believe we are serving the right agenda.” they answer. -
To which I reply: “Let me tell you something: truth, and freedom of speech, freedom of movement, the ability to hold ideas, to live in honour, kindness, goodness, wealth, generosity, health, safety, - these are very basic essences which should be afforded human beings, and animals, and plants, alike. - All of us here. You, are interfering against that, for other agendas and they are not of love. And therefore, they do NOT pass muster here. I am opening a portal and I am sending you to Source Energy.”
Out they go and the portal is closed.
9.33 In this slightly freer arena, I say hallo to the thirteen humans.
“What right do you believe you have to interfere in this matter?”
They answer: ‘The freedom of the gravity.’
“Well, I think you know not very much about freedom, and I am not so much sure how you know about gravity. Is there one amongst you who believes they are the leader?” ( No one comes forth)
10.04 I command Prime Creator to guide my thoughts in operating with these beings: that I may obtain information. That I may know and understand how best to deal with these essences, who say they are people. I believe the faraday cage was the best place to put them where they may not inflict damage mentally or spiritually.
10.35 I suspect there are more of them and we need to gather them in. I ask them “what is feeding their sense of entitlement and their sense of power.”
10.51 They believe they are allowed to live here. This is their ‘natural remedy spot’. (This phrase reveals much when you look it up in simple EnglishGematria.)
They are used to occupying these territories, and used to being obeyed and listened to. (!)
11.05 I reply: “Well, I am so sorry, but that time is changing. You may have been running rampant for a hundred years or more; we are no longer allowing that here: you have overstepped your mark by many leagues. I do not believe any of you are human. I will touch the cage and find out.” I ask Prime Creator to enable me to detect this.
11.33 “The essences are barely human.” - Hmm, I thought so…”yet you are occupying those lives you call human. I have called you forth in your spirit bodies here, as you have been interfering in processes that it is not your territory, and not your claim to do so..” I present them with some options as I explain how we will no longer be beholden to, put down, restricted or limited by them.
12.05 I offer they may return their psychic bodies to their physical bodies, if there is a true promise of searching for their true soul essence again. If that is not forthcoming, they may step into the portal to return to Pure Source Energy, which will generally annihilate them. I explain we are ‘pretty fed up’ with this interfering nonsense. They were all warned. They knew what happened to their ‘compadres’… “You may be heartless but you are not unintelligent.” Before I send them anywhere, I wish to “pluck out your very source, at your very roots and foundations, and I do not mean the God—Source. - Where you believe you are getting your nesting energy from.”
13.14 I command Prime Creator to give me the vision of where they are maintaining their stability, and their command from.
13.25 “As the hydra seems to be many-headed, it would make sense to go back to the chain of command, and discover who has let forth these hyenas- these jackals, into the fray.” I come close to the faraday cage, touch it and ask, “who is sending you out? I want to speak to that essence!”
13.55 Speaking to that essence: “You have no right to behave like this to human beings. You know the war is over. The battle is, yes, amongst the consciousness of the humans, and here you are attempting to thwart it, to thwart the awakening and the opening of eyes and ears, and hearts. You may not do that interference with us, it is not your right. I have you now in my presence, I summon to you, because of your friends, if we can call them that, who I have here. I am mindful to disable your essence, your power. I know you have very little connection to Source- a mere ‘slither’ to remain in this dimension. Do you truly wish to lose all of that? I suspect you are still conniving with your machinations. You and I will go to your office. We will see the plans and the strategies you have laid out. And do you know what we shall do? We shall fold each one of them- put them to sleep in a rather more dramatic way. No more of those plans are not be carried out. No.“
15.16 I request of Prime Creator, to give me the utmost safety, protection, and authority here-I take my authority of Spirit. And I will now step with this essence, in a version of myself….and I shall view what is happening with their plans and their Machiavellian machinations. (I see a building- below ground.) That building must be destroyed.
15.46 ”Do you know what I can do? I have a friend- the earth. She likes to ‘shake the bases of the Bases’. She does not like what you have done to her- no consultation, just melting the rocks. Burrowing deep into her with no thought, or kindness or appreciation.
As I have been in charge of you, I will put you also in a faraday cage. Any entities coming past here, they will see that and will stop. This is no longer a place where you may operate as you choose. You are invading here. Your right to remain here has been forfeit. You have invaded our freewill. This, indeed is a planet, not of prison as you may think it is. This is a place where humans are to live and be- in kindness and goodness and freedom inside and without. And you, with your plans are in no right space here.”
16.58 I command Prime Creator to put an utter time-hold, a freeze, on all entities, essences and processes, within this centre that we have just visited briefly. Every single thing will go into a time-freeze for now. I wish to speak with the earth and ask of the earth that these buildings, these bases will be squeezed and crumbled. All of the essences working in them, - the abominations they have created: we have an ‘envelope’ waiting for them. It is a bubble of love-Source Energy.
“You may return in there. You may not like it- it is the only thing we humans love, you know: the goodness. It is a beautiful thing, and it has made you so very jealous. This is your chance to taste it! (Source Energy Love). I know most of you will crumble and disintegrate on touching the essence of love. However, this is your deserved ‘treat’. You may melt into the essence of Creation, but no longer be able to manipulate and interfere- we put that on hold.”
18.22 I ask/command Prime Creator, that I may speak to the essence of the Earth: about the destruction of this base, this stronghold of their information network. (CIA)
18.35 (I am speaking with the Earth.) “The sun has been shining strongly today, and I thought of you in your waking process, blessed and kissed by the sunlight- fierce it was! Are you awakening? Is the world a little lighter? Are you going to stretch yourself and emerge and start to push off their ridiculous ‘inserts’, their ‘electricalities’?
I have in front of me, a request: do you see or do you feel this base? Twenty- or twelve, I don’t know, the number of storeys it seems. This vast concrete ‘curmudgeon’, forced into you. Earth, I would like you to squish it- to crush it. If I may help you with anything? I will make sound, that we create structural imbalance in these absurd concrete and rock walls. - That that space cannot be used, cannot be used any longer as a ‘creature’ from which to exert control. ( I make some sounds.)
21.10 “Prime Creator, the time of these essences to interfere with us is no longer here. My friends and myself, we are working every day to have ‘their’ influence removed. They have interfered with the paths of free choice and free will, through frequency overlays, manipulating minds, persuading humans and pretending it was Karma. There is no ‘karma’ when there is manipulation: it must be free choice. And when you influence with technology and frequency and mind-wave wipes, that is not free choice.
The rules of the game have been breached. These essences may no longer exist. And I declare that as a member of this human race. - Knowing that all my friends who are working to clear and clean this place, as a home for humans- for adults, for children, for the beautiful animals and the plants and the true nature of this place, our planet. We deserve Good.”
22.25 All of these interfering limiting systems have been desired , have been designed to chase the opposite. In front of me I see a part of this base. There are many entities there. I would invite the humans to evacuate. “All and any spirits who wish to return to their natural form may now do so. Many of you may find you are but black goo soldiers, we have seen those before.” ( I make a sound for this to occur.)
23.22 “- That you return to your original form, that you coalesce together.” (see the video ca 26.30 in for how this was done before.) “There is magnetic pull of your graphene oxide fibres, that is the make-up of your ‘goo’ into one lump. I am held and helped and assisted by Prime Creator, and you are now coalesced into one block and your interference is now null and void.”
23.52 The beings which were human have scurried to the top of this base. I will now address you: “Do you understand for whom you have been working? Some of you I see are trapped in a sense of fear of having nothing for your families, and having vengeance used against them if you turn against this ‘conglomerate’. I am sorry for you that you feel you have had to make those choices to take you into this darkest place.”
24.36 (I make sound for them. )
“The path of a human is far worthier than this: that you have let yourself follow this, is very sad. All of you, do you see this space over here? ( I see a space with some light to it.) I will bring you all there, and Source Energy will be in abundance. You all need to be reminded of who and what you are: you have forgotten your connection. And it may feel emotionally painful as you re-cover what people call, ‘sins’- the wilful, wrongful mistakes you have created. They will come back into your minds- you will feel them in your bodies, to remind and show you, it is wrong to hurt others. Only that which you have sent out, will come back onto you- that you may feel it. Truly, I wish that you would find a way to reach for something beyond that.
This ‘thing’ we call, “love’ this Source essence of creation, it really is the best place. There is a peace and an action at the same time. It is always EVERYTHING, and always everything is possible. And you have forgotten that in your fear, you have come down low. So there you are, I shall put you in that chamber for a while, and let you ‘cook-up with your inner beings. You need to understand the feel of Source Energy within you once more. I shall leave you there for twelve hours, and then you may go home. Do not return. Do not return.”
26.27 This place has many ‘hooks’ into other centres. The next thing is to disable those. We must show to the other places that seek to create interference, that their presence is no longer required here. “We are all pushing you back now. None of you may have place here. None of you.”
26.37 I command Prime Creator: “enable me to close this place down. -Shut it off, turn of its energy source, close it down. The darknesses that were done here once, never to see the light of day again.”
27.05 9 (I address the earth:) “Earth, if you would rumble and jumble up this space and allow it to eventually form back into rock, it’s the best possible ‘saga’. This has witnessed too much. The humans will be released, The strange entities, I have a mind to send straight into the portal of the central sun.”
“What I shall do, you entities in the faraday cage, I put you there right next to the portal. You can see it. And you may think you have several hours: you have seven. You may chose to walk back through it, back into unity with Source- yes, dissolving. Or, you may find the strength of will and ‘call’ within you, and reach out towards the Divine, and ask forgiveness and clearing, and cleansing, that you may perhaps access your humanity again.
28.01 I must now do a scan of the country (USA ) to see if this programming is still in action. Preventing these good people, people I love, people bringing goodness tot he planet. We must make sure that all such agents are removed and inactive. I command Prime Creator to highlight these all- so that we might gather their etheric (psychic) essences in a place ands converse with them, as they always have a choice.
28.47 ( Speaking to the humans in the faraday cage:) “Love is a building essence, it is like a plant. A plant does not wither after a day, it persists, taking-in that which is readily available for it: the sunlight shining upon it, the soil- a basic medium, from which many, many essences can be extracted. And then, the delight of the water, making all of that, soluble, and a plant will grow. You may cut it, trim it, harvest it and even eventually pull it up but, it will grow. This is the way of nature here, and what you sought to do was opposite. The humans are not taking that any longer, you know.”
29.35 I see many little lights on the ‘board’ of the United States: this is where they are operating. I command Prime Creator to suck-up their etheric essence into one group, into a faraday cage for my protection, but I wish to address these essences/beings.
29.53 “You there in the cage, yes, you! We have collected you, we have collected you. Your work is not correct. Raise a hand, any one of you who can say that they are working for love? - For the good lives of the people- raise your hand any one of you? You know secretly, you were just ‘following orders’- miniature cowards in your technological prison, believing it would protect you. - Well, not from this kind of work: this is a different level. You cannot hide behind technology, it is a base of frequency, we just pull up your spirit essence
and gather you. And here you are- yes, damage has been done and that is appalling. You have tarnished the name of good humans. I wish I could get you to make a public apology, however, none of you are known, it would make very little difference. You were the insidious snake-whisperers in the ears. I would love to be able to reverse that. At least it is good we have arrested the damage. You cannot do any more. You may no longer return to your spaces and places.”
I ask Prime Creator, Prime Creation, to put blocks in place, so that when these beings- if I can call them that, they’re not really people- go back to their works, their jobs, they find they are unable to operate- for so very many reasons, that could be the case. Simply as they cannot, there will be no more interference.
(I respond to them:) “Yes, you have done damage. Yes, you may ‘celebrate’ that in your pettiness. It is a very meagre victory. - That is what you celebrate? And I know that there are many branches of you still, in your ‘fearful little rodent’ way, operating. You will be biting each other up soon. Your minds will not be able to comprehend what has happened here. But I do know this: your work against this man, his work and his friends has now ceased. Your interference has now ceased, and if anyone of you starts it again, we know your signature, and we will pull you up, and we will put you through that portal there.”
31.59 I return now to my faraday cage: “Who wishes to….is there anyone who has lit-up into God, into the Divine, into the creation Source Field? - Through your own will…is there anyone here who has found that way? Otherwise, I shall just take the entire space, the cage in which you are and we just literally, put it back into the heart, into the bosom of the Creator?”
“Prime Creator, Prime Creation, open up for me a portal, around this group of sorry beings, and take in their energy once more, back into your central store, for discombobulation.” There is no more of these, there is no more. Their essence is returned back into Source.
32.38 I command my Spirit, my Greater Self, I command Prime Creator, educate me, show me, guide me if there is more yet to be done on this project. My aim is, that it (‘it’ being the project to be organised, which was interfered with by this agency’s minions), may flow smoothly, there will be no more interference encountered: apologies will be given, retractions made to an extent, as the people influenced will be freed from the mind-wipes and hypnoses, from the sad media-feeding of these low-lives. - These essences who have forgotten love, and some of these humans who are the ’landlords’ of these places- some of them return and apologise, and realise, they too are humans. They too, need a brighter day for themselves, their children, their friends, their partners, their future. And some of them will return, and… ( now for the organising which this agency was attempting to hinder)
“I command Prime Creator for a smooth-flowing passage of this great feat of organisation and structure which is taking place, in this very minute, many leagues away. - That there is plain-sailing, smooth-faring and avenues open up, synchronicities abound, good and wonderful places are found, and good and beautiful humans are brought into contact with ideas they have been waiting for.
That they may be lit by these sparks of true integrity, and brilliance, awakening human beings back into their fullness. It is time we took our lives back. And our loving country back. The nature needs love and support and nurture, and tenderness and rebuilding. And all such interferences need to be noticed and addressed, and righted as we learn to love again. And let in more of this love again, awakened from our utter hypnotised states, as they hear the voices of these beautiful messengers, galloping around, risking all, determined in their passion and love.
34.48 Prime Creator I know you bless them. Give them cornucopia and undiscovered coffers, full of resources. Give them energy and power and focus and happiness in this endeavour as they find and find and find, successfully, all the places they need. All the people they need. All the help and the goodness and the kindness. And the true, beautiful blossoming moments of human to human. The forces of love cannot be ignored, for that which fuels it is infinite!”
35.20 To finish up, and to make sure I am free and clear, I command my spirit to remove anything and everything from me, which I may have accrued, which is not authentically me and mine…. “Prime Creator I ask that I am united, in my mind, in my will, in my spirit, with my higher levels- the higher frequency levels, that I may travel up and down more easily, more rapidly, more fluidly.-That I may know the fine, fine-tuned essences of emotion of mine, and of my beloveds. And be support and love and stable- stability. And I ask that my life is filled with abundance - blessings of wealth, the ability to give me possibility to do and move and choose what I know I need to do in any given moment. And I thank you Great Spirit, Prime Creator. And I thank my Greater Self for being with me in harmony.”
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
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