How to play Trivial Pursuit Generations

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the board game Trivial Pursuit Generations quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to win 6 wedges of different colors then answer a final personal trivia question correctly.

Layout the board. Each player takes a wedge holder and places it in the center circle on the gameboard. Each player picks one generation from this list. You don’t have to pick your generation and multiple people can pick the same generation. The generation you pick will determine the questions you will answer for the duration of the game.

The oldest player goes first, then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn roll the die and move your wedge holder that many spaces in any direction. You may not touch the same space multiple times in a single move. The center circle counts as 1 space.

If you land on any wedge space, the player to your left draws a matching-colored category card and reads the question in your corresponding generation, keeping the answer hidden. If you answer correctly, collect a matching wedge of that color and end your turn. If you already have that colored wedge, then collect nothing and take another turn. If you answer the question incorrectly, then nothing happens and your turn ends. The question card is then returned to the back of its respective deck.

If you land on the center circle or a personal space, then you pick any other player to draw a card from the personal trivia deck. If that card is blank, then that player secretly fills in their name on the question side, or the name of someone else everyone personally knows, then writes the answer on the answer side. For an easier game, they can write down 3 multiple choice answers. Once completed, or if the drawn card was already filled out, then that player reads the question as normal. If you guess the correct answer, then you receive a wedge for any color you do not already have, then your turn ends.

If you land on the roll again space, then take another turn. Once you have filled your wedge holder with 6 different colors, you must move to the center space by exact count and answer 1 final personal question correctly. If you earned your final wedge on the center space, you must leave that space before you can return to it to win.

When you land on the center space for your final question, all the other players pick a player to draw the personal question card. If you answer correctly, you win. If not, you must leave the center before you can return for another chance. The first player to collect 6 wedges of different colors then answer a final personal trivia question correctly, wins.

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