Why The 90% Take Off Winning Trades Early: Root Cause & Solution

5 years ago

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Have you ever taken a great trade and before it goes to your target you exit with a small profit? Settling for crumbs when you could have had the whole meal?

Taking off winning trades early is an issue that causes MILLIONS of $ to be left on the table every day by traders just like you. In this video, I will be breaking down a real trade and how to fix this issue for good.

- Why you take off winning trades early (surface)
- Why you take off winning trades early (root cause)
- Creating self-fulfilling prophecies in our trading (VERY IMPORTANT)
- Why we hold on to losing trades when we should get out
- How to fix these issues permanently
- Resources for continued help

I hope this video helps in identifying and fixing your trading errors. Let me know in the comments what you took away and what you want to hear more about.

Are you day trading and looking for a trading strategy and technical indicators that you can rely on for the long term?
After trying them all, I've realized that you actually need ZERO technical indicators to have an edge in the market. All you really need is the Volume Profile, the only charting tool in the world used by professionals that provides real-time market-generated information.
Trading with the Volume Profile is what allows me to generate $500/$1000 on average in daily profits.
If you enjoyed this content on Youtube and would like to learn my strategy to a deeper level, you might be interested in the Volume Profile Formula™, the first course that teaches you the basics of Volume Profile. To learn more click here: https://go.tradacc.com/vpformula

My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional Futures Day Trader expert in Auction Market Theory, Order Flow & Volume Profile.
I'm the founder of Tradacc.com and creator of Volume Profile Formula™ and the Profile Method™ where I help traders getting consistently profitable by focusing on Volume Profile methodology.
I typically work with people that want to create an extra income or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.

Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk

#volumeprofile​ #daytrading​ #futurestrading

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