Underground Bunker in Lithuania You Can Tour Yourself

1 year ago

Ron Howard, Owner of Atlas Survival Shelters travels to Lithuania and tours a Cold War Underground Bunker built in 1975 when fear of Nuclear Holocaust was at it's highest!
This underground shelter was built to house up to 100 people!
You can Tour this bunker still today!
Visit ColdWarBunker.it for more information.

In 1975 the Soviet Union built over 1,000 nuclear bomb shelters in Vilnius, Lithuania.

To order your Survival Food visit:

Follow me @

Atlas Survival Shelters
200 CMH Road
Sulpher Springs, TX 75483
# (323) 727-7084

Website - http://www.atlassurvivalshelters.com

Ron Hubbard
President/CEO & Founder
Email - ron@atlassurvivalshelters.com

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