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For Greater Good You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Video
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Video Once you see this you'll have no faith in these people again! The system-serving airheads that should be tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity like most politicians, oligarchs, globalists and most medias. So many innocent people of all age groups have died or been severely injured for life after listening to the advice of Hollywood celebrities, talk show hosts and politicians regarding the vaccine for covid-19. It’s right that medical ethics should be highly scrutinized, especially in cases like the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out where the process has been accelerated. However, it’s important not to mix up the atrocities of the past with current debates about medicine and policy.
Long Covid 19 Bioweapon Created To Make You Sick With Multiple Diseases, And You Will Eventually Die. Some people continue to experience health problems long after having COVID-19. Understand the possible symptoms and risk factors for post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Long COVID 19 - 21, also known as Post-COVID Conditions (PCC), is a multisystemic condition characterized by signs, symptoms, and conditions that persist or develop after acute COVID-19 infection. Symptoms can last weeks, months, or even years and can include damage to the brain, heart, kidneys, and lungs. Even people who had no symptoms when they were infected can develop symptoms later. At least 86 million individuals around the world have long COVID, based on a conservative estimated incidence of 10% of infected people and more than 869 million documented COVID-19 cases worldwide. The incidence of Long COVID may be decreasing in the US, with the percentage of participants reporting having new or continuing COVID-19 symptoms dropping to 11% in January 2023.
The PCR test isn't even safe! The Scientist/ Creator of the test said it won't work to test C0vid and he said Fauki has no idea what he's doing and for that they killed him! Do you realize yet that they are trying to kill us all?
Experts, Scientists, Attorneys & Physician around the world have been speaking out to warn you and save lives. They had nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling you this. Use common sense and critical thinking and do some serious research quick.
Its For The Greater Good. Its A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People... Yes Its For The Greater Good. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Covil-19 Corrupt U.S.A. Governments... Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Its A Plandemic For New World Order... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
The Great Awakening Another Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
For the greater good refers to the benefit or betterment of the majority of people, especially at the cost of smaller or individual concerns. It is a general advantage that can only be gained by losing or harming something that is considered less important. Some wars are fought for the greater good. The cutbacks that a company must face will be difficult, but they are for the greater good. The benefit of the public, of more people than oneself.
All agree that the C vaccine is not at all a vaccine, but a bioweapon created to make you sick with multiple diseases, and you will eventually die if you continue taking more!
They are injecting horrible diseases and other nano particles into your cells that cannot be removed. Once you take it, your life span is drastically reduced and you will become sterile.
The masks don't work, social distancing won't work, your chances of long-term healthie are FAR GREATER if you do nothing and take nothing.
Viruses are not living organisms or living microbes. They do not have a respiratory system, nor do they have a nucleus or digestive system. Viruses are not alive and viruses are not contagious. They have spent millions to put fear in you, nothing you think you know about viruses and bacteria are true, you have been lied to.
Every single person being pushing this should be punished for this. Corrupt governments, corps and media are part of the great cover-up and guilty of world genocide. This is the biggest crime ever perpetrated against mankind. It must be exposed before it's too late.
No question that the mRNA vaccines should be withdrawn with immediate effect” An independent analysis of the accumulated Yellow Card data, finally released 18 months after the first FOI request, shows unequivocal safety signals linking the mRNA vaccines to serious damage to the lymph system, the heart, and female reproduction 'Health regulator failing to keep public protected from mRNA shots' IN the UK, three Covid-19 vaccines - AstraZeneca (AZ), Pfizer (PF) and Moderna (MO) - have been used in a nationwide inoculation programmed aimed at preventing harm from the so-called SARS-CoV2 virus.
Expert Claims Covid Vaccines Will Kill 700 million People Around the World. During an interview with USA Watchdog in June, Dr. David Martin predicted that 700 million people will die worldwide due to the Covid injections. He based his estimation on the World Health Organization's vision of the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ (“DoV”).
There appears to be no scientific evidence that the Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines will kill miscarriages. Scientists have not found an increased risk for miscarriage among people who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine just before and during early pregnancy, and data did not surface "any safety concerns for people who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine late in pregnancy or for their babies." Therefore, it can be concluded that vaccines do or do not cause miscarriages.?
COVID-19 continues to pose a high risk to pregnant people who contract the virus. Despite this concern, hesitancy surrounding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy remains, write the authors of a preprint article on COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy outcomes. As COVID-19 vaccines become more widely available, some have raised concerns regarding potential links between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and experiencing miscarriage (also known as spontaneous abortion), and other adverse outcomes. However, miscarriage is a common occurrence – around 10 to 15 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in miscarriage – and multiple studies have found no increase in miscarriage in persons who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
One study team used the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) v-safe pregnancy registry, a smartphone-based tool for people in the United States who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Participants were included if they had received at least one vaccine dose prior to conception or before 20 weeks gestation and did not have a pregnancy loss before 6 weeks gestation – pregnancies lost beyond 20 weeks gestation are considered stillbirths not miscarriages, and 6 weeks gestation is typically the earliest a pregnancy can be detected. Out of 2,456 participants, 165 experienced a spontaneous abortion. The study found that the cumulative risk of spontaneous abortion between 6 and 20 weeks gestation was 14.1 percent.
Among the study participants, 65 participants were contacted in their first trimester, but could not be reached during their second. To account for this drop-out, the study team conducted a “sensitivity analysis” with the assumption that these 65 participants experienced a spontaneous abortion. In this analysis, the cumulative risk of spontaneous abortion rose to 18.8 percent. The study team then used data from historical cohorts to represent the “typical” upper and lower ranges of risk of spontaneous abortion before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. They found that the calculated cumulative risk – both with and without the sensitivity analysis – fell within the expected risk range.
A second study also concludes that the COVID-19 vaccine poses no increased risk for miscarriage and bolsters the findings of the prior study with the inclusion of a comparison group. This study used the Vaccine Safety Datalink database, a collaboration between the CDC and nine health systems across the United States. Researchers included individuals who received their first dose of the vaccine within 6 to 19 weeks gestation and assigned each an “index date” to reflect when they entered the study. They then compared this group to a contemporaneous cohort of unvaccinated pregnant individuals to determine the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. The study compared the odds that a participant who had a spontaneous abortion had received a vaccine within 28 days of the event with the odds that a participant who carried a pregnancy to term had the same vaccine criteria. The study team found that, compared to participants with ongoing pregnancies, those who had a spontaneous abortion were not significantly more likely to have received a COVID-19 vaccine.
These studies help prove that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine before or during pregnancy is not associated with higher rates of miscarriage. Nevertheless, more research is needed to strengthen the evidence-base and combat persistent misinformation. Continued investment and investigation is critical to fighting vaccine hesitancy and preventing the further spread of COVID-19, especially among vulnerable populations.
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WHO’s DoV vision led to a collaboration in which Bill Gates’ GAVI serves on the leadership council. The Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”) – endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 – came out of the collaboration. The “leadership” that produced the GVAP are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organization (“WHO”).
We previously published an article about Dr. Martin’s interview with USA Watchdog but we feel it’s important to remind readers of the scale of the estimated deaths from the bioweapon that is called a Covid vaccine. The number that might die from Covid injections may have been revealed back in 2011 when WHO announced their “decade of vaccines.” The objective for the decade of vaccination was a population reduction of 15% globally, which would be about 700 million people dead.
Some may think this number of deaths is an exaggeration, but Dr. Martin is not the only one who has been raising the alarm. Dr. Robert Young estimated in August 2021 that 500 million people worldwide had already been injured, with potentially 35 million deaths, due to Covid injections. A year later in August 2022, Steve Kirsch estimated a ballpark number of 12 million Covid injection deaths based on an estimate of one death for every 1,000 doses – “we are killing nearly close to 10,000 people every single day,” he wrote. Also in August, Peter Halligan, by piecing together data from a variety of sources, suggested as many as 20 million people worldwide had died from Covid injections, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – implying we are only just getting started.
And finally, we have psychopath Bill Gates himself. In 2009 The Guardian reported on the first meeting of the Good Club, the name given to the tiny global elite of billionaire philanthropists including Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner.
“The topics focused on education, emergency relief, government reform, the expected depth of the economic crisis and global health issues such as overpopulation and disease,” The Guardian wrote.
And here’s a reminder of what Gates said the following year at TedTalks in 2010 spouting his vision of how to “innovate to zero”:
“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 per cent.”
David Martin, PhD, is an inventor, speaker, author, business executive and futurist. He is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM, an international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance.
During his hour-long interview in June, Dr. Martin told USA Watchdog that the Covid injections are “bioweapons.” Big Pharma and the government knew it and also knew it would cause massive deaths and permanent injuries. Dr. Martin said:
“It’s going to get much worse … It is not a coronavirus vaccine. It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin … The fact of the matter is the injections are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism. They are not a public health measure. The facts are very simple. This was premeditated … This was a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon. That is their own words and not my interpretation.”
As to how many will die from Covid injections Dr. Martin said:
“By their own estimate, they are looking for 700 million people globally, and that would put the US participation in that of the injected population as 75 million to 100 million people …There are a lot of reasons why they hope it will be between now and 2028 because there is this tiny little glitch of the illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs. So, the fewer recipients of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the better. Not surprisingly, the recommendation was people over the age of 65 were the first ones to get injected.”
Dr. Martin explained:
“The dirty secret is . . . there are a lot of pilots having microvascular and clotting problems, and that keeps them out of the cockpit, which is a good place to not have them if they are going to throw a clot for a stroke or a heart attack. The problem is we are going to see that exact same phenomenon in the healthcare industry and at a much larger scale. So, we now have, along with the actual problem . . . of people getting sick and people dying, we actually have that targeting the healthcare industry writ large. This means we are going to have nurses and doctors who are going to be among the sick and dead. That also means the sick and the dying are also not going to get care.”
On 3 March Dr. Martin filed a lawsuit against Joe Biden. He and his group are suing everybody from President Biden to the FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and many others over the deaths and injuries from the Covid-19 bioweapons fraudulently passed off as “vaccines.” He contended that “this is far worse” than the Nuremberg trials of Nazis after WWII and added:
“This is organised crime . . . They have hidden behind the immunity shield that absolves them of product liability by naming the delivery of a bioweapon – a vaccination program … This is actually a criminal act. This is an act of domestic terror, and it is an anti-trust violation. This is racketeering. This is old-school racketeering, and it is no different than the mob in the 1920s. This is old-school racketeering for personal gain and profit at the expense of human lives. You need to call it what it is, and it’s organized crime. I would say the Nazis were better than the people who are doing this … The real question is why did American citizens develop a weapon to kill Americans and get paid to do it? That is a morally outrageous question, and, unfortunately, almost no one is asking it.”
8 Ways mRNA COVID Vaccines Can Kill You. Dr Sherri Tenpenny has mapped out ten mechanisms of action of how the mRNA vaccine is going to kill people. She says, “When you inject the mRNA, the Messenger RNA starts to code for the spike protein…the NIH is now fighting with Moderna over patent rights, because you can’t patent anything that’s out in nature, so they had to manipulate the spike protein, in order to be able to patent it and then make an antibody to the spike protein.
“Well, this anti-spike protein antibody is deadly. It’s absolutely deadly. And the first three papers I went through, I found that one of the things the spike protein does is it directly attacks lung tissue and breaks it down.
“The second thing that it does is it inhibits your M2 macrophages, which are your anti-inflammatory macrophages, so you get cytokine storm and you die. “The third is that when that Messenger RNA goes in and makes an antibody to the spike protein, it binds it loosely, carries it into a cell and causes permanent replication. So it’s like having an “On” button with no “Off” button. You’re constantly making this little piece of protein develop more spike proteins against it, make more destruction.
“And then, with this paper that I read last night, of this anti-spike protein, it attacks the astrocytes and the oligodendrocytes, which are two different kinds of cells in your brain. Two different kinds of central nervous system [cells]. It attacks the inner mitochondria membrane, in two different mechanisms and it attacks this neurofilament protein, which are the motor nerves, which suddenly –we’ve seen those people [with strong tremors], it’s because the spike protein antibody is affecting their motor neurons and their central nervous system.
“And then the primary, number one symptom that people have after they get this vaccine is debilitating fatigue, that they can’t even function in the main part of their lives. Well, it’s because the spike protein antibody attacks the mitochondria and it attacks the GAD 65, which is the intracellular antigen inside of your mitochondria and it can also attack you pancreas.
“If you’re diabetic, it’ll make your diabetes worse. If you’re not diabetic, it can cause you to have diabetes, stiff-person syndrome, cerebellar ataxia, which is what thing that you’re watching [massive tremors]; people not able to walk.
“In the experiment that they did, they took different tissue antigens, like skin and lung and all this other stuff and then they dropped the serum that had the antibody all over it. 27 out of 55 of the tissue types reacted adversely to the spike antibody.
“So you get this vaccine, you create this antibody, that’s why in the most recent VAERS report that came out this week, 181 deaths, already that have been reported and when you start reading through them, you kind of lay out what these antibodies do, you can see it, right in the VAERS report, what has happened to these people and it’s the anti-spike antibody that’s attacking them and that’s why the most number of deaths occurred about 19 days after the injection, because it takes a while to develop the antibody response. It doesn’t happen just like that.
“Unless you have an anaphylactic reaction – probably to the polyethylene glycol– unless you have an immediate reaction to it, the delayed reaction is going to start – it takes a while – I talked to a bunch of epidemiologists in Europe and they said that it takes about 48 weeks to really see the most profound effects of autoimmune disease.
“When I found the first four mechanisms of action, I said to a few friends of mine, ‘This is a perfectly-designed kill machine.’ “Perfectly-designed, because – the other thing is with that replicating thing, because with the vaccine, you’re going to see mutants [of COVID]. So now, we’re all talking about the mutants. The one thing they’re not asking these people, who’ve been diagnosed with this mutant strain, is ‘Have you had one of the not-approved vaccines?’ Nobody’s putting that together.
“So, yes, 48 weeks – so it’s somewhere between 48 weeks, so it’s about a year and 6 to 7 months and a couple of years into the future.
“So, like you were talking about the girl with meningitis vaccine? This is going to be even worse. So people have got to make some serious spiritual decisions about this…Are you going to say, ‘Oh, I want to get the vaccine so I can get on an airplane,’ or ‘So I can go out to eat,’ or I can keep my job.’ That gets a little harder. Or ‘So I can continue in professional school,’ which gets a little bit harder. “People are going to have to start making some really hard spiritual decisions about this.”
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U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - COVID-19 Shot Are Safe ? LIE's ? So Per the Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? Paraquat Pot ? 1920 Poisoned Alcohol ? Now Mandatory COVID-19 Shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients all part of a series of massive government cover-ups.
The Pentagon's mandatory anthrax shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients and helped prompt many Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members to transfer to other units or leave the military between 1998 and 2000, according to a survey by Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO).
The survey indicated that 85% of troops who received an anthrax shot had an adverse reaction, a rate far higher than the 30% claimed by the manufacturer in 2000, when the survey was conducted. Sixteen percent of the survey respondents had either left the military or changed their status, at least in part because of the vaccination program.
The program "appears to have adversely affected the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve in terms of retaining needed experienced personnel," states the report, which was released in late October. The GAO recommended that the Department of Defense (DoD) set up an active surveillance program for vaccine reactions.
DoD launched a program in 1998 to inoculate all troops against anthrax. The program was cut back to a few select units in 2000 because of a vaccine shortage due to the manufacturer's difficulty in gaining Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its operation after a plant renovation. In January 2002 the FDA finally approved the new production system. Last May, DoD announced it would step up the vaccination program again, but the shots would be required only for personnel deployed longer than 15 days in high-risk areas.
Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide. Read the founding documents of modern medical ethics, The Nuremberg Code, the Declarations of Helsinki and Geneva, and the International Code of Medical Ethics, which articulate a core set of ethical principles to guide human experimentation and clinical care. Nuremberg Code is a 10-point set of rules for the conduct of human experiments articulated in 1947 in the trials of Nazi doctors and bureaucrats convicted of crimes against humanity for their roles in concentration camp experiments.
U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - Agent Orange - Yes It's Safe - The Chemical That Destroyed Generations. The U.S. defeated most of the resolutions, arguing that Agent Orange was not a chemical or a biological weapon as it was considered a herbicide and a defoliant and it was used in effort to destroy plant crops and to deprive the enemy of concealment and not meant to target human beings.
Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy.
Agent Orange was a mixture of plant-killing chemicals (herbicides) used by the United States military during the Vietnam War as a defoliant to remove tree cover, destroy crops, and clear vegetation around US bases. About 3 million Americans served in the armed forces in Vietnam and nearby areas. Many of these veterans, as well as other people in the area, were exposed to Agent Orange.
Exposure to Agent Orange could have occurred when the chemicals were breathed in, ingested in contaminated food or drinks, or absorbed through the skin. Exposure might have been possible through the eyes or through breaks in the skin, as well.
One of the challenges in assessing the health effects of Agent Orange exposure has been determining how much an individual was exposed to (or even what they were exposed to). Very little information on this is available.
The Vietnam Memorial lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who died. However, the wall does not document the names of the 2.8 million U.S. veterans exposed to the deadly chemical Agent Orange, and later died. Let's honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice during war - and because of war.
Paraquat Pot: The True Story Of How The US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical In The 1980s When people talk about “killer weed,” that’s typically understood to mean really good weed. But due to US government policies that started in the 1970s and extended through most of the 1980s, marijuana fields were being sprayed with a chemical that can actually kill you.
The chemical, known as “paraquat,” is an herbicide sprayed over marijuana fields in Mexico in the 1970s—with the aid of US money and US-provided helicopters—and over marijuana fields in Georgia in the 1980s under the direction of the Reagan Administration.
But normally, anything poisonous enough to kill plants is also toxic enough to kill humans, and that is the case with paraquat.
At least 1,000 children in the United States have lost their lives to COVID-19, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
According to available data as of December 15, a breakdown of 677,393 coronavirus deaths showed 1,005 persons between the ages of 0 and 17. Among those, 319 children between the ages of 0 and 4 had died from the disease.
The data set showed 213 kids between the ages of 5 and 11 had died from COVID-19, while 240 children between 12 and 15; and 233 children aged 16 to 17 had succumbed to the virus.
The figures reflect COVID-19 cases and deaths reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020. Some U.S. states and territories report statistics without detailed demographic data.
The virus is much more likely to kill those in older age groups, with the highest number of deaths in the U.S. being among those aged 85 or older, the same data set showed. 190,983 deaths in the CDC statistics were in that age group.
According to the CDC, as many as half of all COVID-19 infections in children may be asymptomatic—higher than older age groups—but they can still get quite ill from it.
Potential serious complications include multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a rare condition in which different body parts become inflamed, including the skin, eyes, brain, heart, kidneys, lungs or gastrointestinal organs. More than 2,300 cases of MIS-C were reported in children aged 5 through 11 from April 2020 to October 2021, the CDC said last month.
Currently in the U.S., the only vaccine that has been authorized for children is Pfizer-BioNTech. Those as young as five can get the vaccine. Children 16 or older can get a COVID-19 booster shot.
Countries in the European Union started vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 this week as parts of the 27-nation bloc reported a surge in COVID-19 cases over the past months, with fears that cases will continue to skyrocket over the Christmas break.
Greece, Italy, Spain and Hungary are some of the countries that have opened vaccine eligibility to younger children aged 5 to 11 as the Omicron variant spreads. The EU approved children aged 5 to 11 for a reduced dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine last month. The new Omicron variant is expected to become dominant in the EU by mid-January.
Despite 66.6 percent of the EU being fully vaccinated, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed disappointment on Wednesday that the pandemic would again disrupt Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Only days after the Omicron variant was discovered by South African scientists in mid-November, public health experts noted that there had been a marked rise in the number of children being admitted to hospitals with the disease, but cases were "mild."
Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, December 14–23, 2020
What is already known about this topic?
Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs rarely after vaccination.
What is added by this report?
During December 14–23, 2020, monitoring by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System detected 21 cases of anaphylaxis after administration of a reported 1,893,360 first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (11.1 cases per million doses); 71% of these occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination.
What are the implications for public health practice?
Locations administering COVID-19 vaccines should adhere to CDC guidance for use of COVID-19 vaccines, including screening recipients for contraindications and precautions, having the necessary supplies available to manage anaphylaxis, implementing the recommended postvaccination observation periods, and immediately treating suspected cases of anaphylaxis with intramuscular injection of epinephrine.
Noting that the United States accounts for about one-quarter of global COVID-19 cases and deaths, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the U.S. has “the worst record of any country in the world.” While the U.S. has the most confirmed cases and deaths by a wide margin, it does not have the most in either category on a per-capita basis.
Pelosi emphasized the U.S. share of coronavirus-related cases and deaths during a June 28 interview on ABC’s “This Week” in which she argued the Trump administration is not taking the growing outbreak in several U.S. states seriously.
“We are 4% of the world’s population,” the Democratic leader told host George Stephanopoulos. “We are 25% of the cases and the deaths, 25%. We have the worst record of any country in the world. And the president says we’re making progress or whatever.”
Pelosi got the percentages right, but where the U.S. ranks in dealing with the pandemic depends on how one looks at the numbers.
Total Confirmed Cases
Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, confirmed to in an email that the congresswoman labeled the U.S. the “worst” based on it “having the most coronavirus deaths and confirmed cases of any country.”
According to the University of Oxford-based project Our World in Data, as of June 28, the day Pelosi made her claim, there were 9.95 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, and 2.51 million, or 25%, of those cases were in the U.S — the most of any nation.
The U.S. total was 1.2 million cases more than the second-highest country, Brazil, which had 1.31 million cases as of that day.
I AM running through what the Nuremberg code is how the military has crossed the line with the Chemtrails and Flouride in the water parasites being sprayed poisoning the animal live stock poisoning the food with chemical additives and paraquat pot poisoning .. Clear violation of international Law, their time is extremely limited and are being dealt with as we speak. Flying right out of military bases human trafficking out of military bases, Drug and Arms trafficking out of military bases, and underground bunkers cloning underground, cloned military personell, cloned police force, forcing corporate policy on citizens during a war when there is NO LAW during war.. so maybe everyone should start doing there job because if the people have to handle this to save time we will include you all in the same bunch consider you all accomplices and let GOD sort you all out.. Also another reason why it might be in their best interest to get right with GOD.
Why is the Nuremberg Code being used to oppose Covid-19 vaccines?
As the UK Covid-19 vaccine roll out has gathered pace, and the use of “vaccine passports” continue to be debated, an increasing number of social media users are voicing their opposition to these moves and claiming they are an infringement of their rights under the Nuremberg Code.
The Nuremberg Code is a set of ethical research principles, developed in the wake of Nazi atrocities—specifically the inhumane and often fatal experimentation on human subjects without consent—during World War Two.
We spoke to experts in medical ethics, healthcare law and social epidemiology about the Nuremberg Code and whether its principles are applicable to the current vaccine roll out or vaccine passports. We also discussed whether the code is legally binding and the darker links the claims seem to draw between the current pandemic and the Nazi era.
What is the Nuremberg Code?
The Nuremberg Code was created in 1947 in Nuremberg, Germany, following the trial of a group of Nazi doctors accused of conducting inhumane and often deadly experiments on prisoners of concentration camps without their consent. At the conclusion of what’s also referred to as ‘The Doctors Trial’, 16 people were found guilty.
The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to the horrors of this experimentation, with the aim of protecting human subjects in medical research. The Code, and particularly its emphasis on informed consent, has had a profound impact on international human rights law and medical ethics.
The Nuremberg Code consists of 10 principles, the first of which being that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any experiment on humans.
Other principles include that the experiment should be for the good of society, that all unnecessary physical and mental suffering or injury should be avoided and no experiment should be conducted if there is good reason to believe it may result in death or a disabling injury.
They also say that the human subject should be free to exit the experiment if they are suffering, and that the scientist in charge must be prepared to end the experiment if they have good reason to believe it may cause injury, disability or death to the subject if it continues.
The Nuremberg Code and Covid-19 vaccines
We have seen several examples of posts on social media claiming that Covid-19 vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code because they are somehow “experimental” and, as people receiving the vaccines are not made aware of this, they are unable to give their informed consent.
This claim that the Covid-19 vaccines are experimental is simply not true, and something we have corrected multiple times. The three Covid vaccines currently given temporary authorisation for use in the UK have been shown to be safe and effective in large scale clinical trials.
Dr Alexis Paton, lecturer in social epidemiology and the sociology of health at Aston University, Birmingham, told Full Fact that the Nuremberg Code is “very specifically about experimentation” and so although its principles would be applicable when discussing clinical vaccine trials, it is no longer relevant once a vaccine has been authorised.
She said: “The Nuremberg Code is about the active experimentation on humans, for the most part during some sort of clinical trial of some description. So when we talk about Pfizer or AstraZeneca [vaccines], we’re out of the auspices of the Nuremberg Code because this is a product that has been trialled, with appropriate ethics in place, and has been approved and is now in production and being used globally.”
Informed consent is still required for those receiving the Covid-19 or any other vaccine. But Professor Emma Cave, professor of healthcare law at Durham University, explained that the need for this does not come from the Nuremberg Code.
She said: “The Nuremberg Code relates to research, where the emphasis of informed consent requirements is on preventing the research participants from being used as a means to an end.
“Informed consent for treatment serves a slightly different purpose. It prevents a battery or negligence, and protects the autonomy rights of the patient. So informed consent is doing slightly different things in relation to research and treatment.”
Arguments that the vaccines are experimental usually hinge on the fact that data is being collected on any side effects in recipients, although it is normal that authorities continue to monitor the safety of all vaccines once they are approved. Data on the long term protection and safety of the Covid-19 will continue to be collected over the coming years.
Dr Julian Sheather, special advisor in ethics and human rights to the British Medical Association, told Full Fact it would be “impossible” and “unethical” to roll out any medical intervention without collecting data on it.
“It’s true of all drugs. The same would be true of something like [the anti-depressant] Prozac. There will still be people out there gathering data. Are we going to say that every single drug in circulation is an experiment?”
Other claims about the ‘experimental’ nature of the vaccines hinge on the fact they were given temporary authorisation to allow them to be distributed faster (although the vaccines still went through extensive clinical testing) and the fact the vaccines were developed so quickly (thanks in part to extra funding made available and ongoing work from before the pandemic).
The Nuremberg Code and vaccine passports
At the time of writing, the government has said that people who have had both doses of the vaccine can use the NHS app (separate to the NHS Covid-19 app) to demonstrate proof of vaccination when travelling to another country, if the country requires it. No other firm plans for ‘vaccine passports’ to gain access to certain places or events within the UK have been confirmed by the government, but discussion of their potential use has proved controversial.
A number of posts on social media have claimed that vaccine passports are a violation of the Nuremberg Code, on the grounds that if you have to have a vaccine in order to do something like travel or work, you are not actually consenting but are being forced.
Professor Cave said the Nuremberg Code was not relevant to vaccine passports. “You could still say it’s unethical or it’s problematic, but not by focusing on the Nuremberg Code. It’s not an experimental product in that context.
“If restrictions are applied in relation to those who haven’t been vaccinated against Covid, consideration needs to be taken of the potential impact on people’s ability to choose freely and on the possibility that such a policy might discriminate against some groups within society.
“We should be debating these matters, but we need to be accurate about the principles that we’re calling upon and the laws that we’re calling upon when we’re saying whether or not something is justifiable.”
Dr Paton told Full Fact: “The Nuremberg Code is all about experimental subjects’ rights and the responsibilities of those doing the experiment. A vaccine passport is a policy document.
“It’s not unprecedented either. For example, anyone who has ever travelled to a lot of the countries in Africa knows that you won’t be granted a visa if you don’t have proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination. But that’s not experimentation. That has nothing to do with us being human subjects of a trial of any kind. It’s about the government and politics.”
Is following the Nuremberg Code a legal requirement?
Although the Nuremberg Code is not relevant in the case of the current vaccine roll out or vaccine passports, there is still the question of whether a government could be forced by law, to halt or alter its vaccine programme if it is found to be in violation of the Code’s principles.
Professor Cave told Full Fact: “The Code isn’t and wasn’t legally binding. It’s not legally enforceable, it’s a guideline rather than law.
“But it is really important because it’s a blueprint for many of today’s legal and ethical standards, internationally and nationally [...] the Nuremberg Code isn’t legally enforceable in itself, but its legacy has changed the way research is conducted and safeguarded to protect the human rights of research participants.”
We’ve seen multiple claims that various groups are attempting to take legal action using the Nuremberg Code over vaccination. Some international claims about this have already been fact checked. One is that a complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court against the Israeli government, arguing that its vaccination programme is in violation of the Nuremberg Code, although Reuters has recently disproved claims that the court has “accepted” this allegation. Similarly, reports that a Canadian court ruled that anyone who tries to force someone to be vaccinated can be prosecuted under the Nuremberg Code have been debunked.
Morally grotesque”
It is important to note that the Nuremberg Code is not the only set of ethical guidelines for human experimentation. For example, social media users could have drawn on the more recent Declaration of Helsinki (adopted in 1964, last updated 2013), UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005) or the International Ethical Guidelines for Health-Related Research Involving Humans (fourth version published 2016) to make similar (albeit also incorrect) claims.
But what is specific to the Nuremberg Code is the direct association with the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War Two, and the emotional response this triggers. Although the social media posts don’t explicitly say it, by evoking the Nuremberg Code to talk about the Covid-19 pandemic, they link the horrors of concentration camps to the current vaccine roll out.
Misinformation thrives when feelings are manipulated in this way, as claims which create an emotional response are most likely to be shared.
The Nuremberg Code would only be relevant at the research trial stage of a vaccine’s development, not its roll out to the general public. But even then, experts told us they felt it would not be an appropriate link to draw.
Dr Paton said: “I think it really does a disservice to people who volunteered to be part of the Covid-19 trials. The Nuremberg Code was developed because of really truly horrific atrocities that we found humans can inflict on other humans.
“And to compare volunteers who want to help develop a vaccine, where the risks have been mitigated and they are being closely monitored, with the decisions of Nazi doctors to perform experiments on humans without anaesthetic, without safety, without regard for whether the human subject lived or died, I think is really inappropriate.”
Dr Sheather added: “It’s terrible bad faith, to be honest with you. Because the Nuremberg trials were investigations into the most brutal forms of medical violation of human beings in the name of some form of research. These research subjects were tested to death and destruction.
“Drawing a link between this final roll out of these vaccines and what the Nazi doctors were doing is morally grotesque.”
It’s right that medical ethics should be highly scrutinized, especially in cases like the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out where the process has been accelerated. However, it’s important not to mix up the atrocities of the past with current debates about medicine and policy.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.
For the greater good refers to the benefit or betterment of the majority of people, especially at the cost of smaller or individual concerns. It is a general advantage that can only be gained by losing or harming something that is considered less important. Some wars are fought for the greater good. The cutbacks that a company must face will be difficult, but they are for the greater good. The benefit of the public, of more people than oneself.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English the greater good the greater good a general advantage that you can only gain by losing or harming something that is considered less important Some wars are fought for the greater good. great Examples from the Corpus the greater good This, I learned, was standard practice when a customer was about to be sacrificed for the greater good of Salomon. For the greater good of the parish or because he knew something?
If an act promotes happiness for the most amount of people, it is good. If it decreases overall happiness, it is bad. The goal of our actions is to create the greatest happiness for the most amount of people. Since everyone’s happiness counts equally, utilitarianism considers maximizing the good from an impartial perspective, meaning that the interests of people close to you should not count higher than those of strangers.
To illustrate, Plato imagined an ideal state in which private goods and nuclear families would be relinquished for the sake of the greater good of a harmonious society. Aristotle defined it in terms of a communally shared happiness, whose key constituents were wisdom, virtue and pleasure.
World War One poster with the famous phrase "I want you for U. S. Army" (Get Your Covid-19 Shot Now) shows Uncle Sam pointing his finger at the viewer in order to recruit soldiers for the American Army during World War I. The printed phrase "Nearest recruiting station" (Get Your Covid-19 Shot Now) has a blank space below to add the address for enlisting.
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The Great Awakening Another Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
Some people who have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 can experience long-term effects from their infection, known as Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions (PCC). Long COVID is broadly defined as signs, symptoms, and conditions that continue or develop after acute COVID-19 infection. This definition of Long COVID was developed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in collaboration with CDC and other partners.
People call Long COVID by many names, including Post-COVID Conditions, long-haul COVID, post-acute COVID-19, long-term effects of COVID, and chronic COVID. The term post-acute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection (PASC) is also used to refer to a subset of Long COVID.
What You Need to Know
Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing health problems; these conditions can last weeks, months, or years.
Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who has been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 can experience it.
People who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 and become infected may have a higher risk of developing Long COVID compared to people who have been vaccinated.
People can be reinfected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, multiple times. Each time a person is infected or reinfected with SARS-CoV-2, they have a risk of developing Long COVID.
While most people with Long COVID have evidence of infection or COVID-19 illness, in some cases, a person with Long COVID may not have tested positive for the virus or known they were infected.
CDC and partners are working to understand more about who experiences Long COVID and why, including whether groups disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 are at higher risk.
About Long COVID
Long COVID is a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems that people experience after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most people with COVID-19 get better within a few days to a few weeks after infection, so at least 4 weeks after infection is the start of when Long COVID could first be identified. Anyone who was infected can experience Long COVID. Most people with Long COVID experienced symptoms days after first learning they had COVID-19, but some people who later experienced Long COVID did not know when they got infected.
There is no test that determines if your symptoms or condition is due to COVID-19. Long COVID is not one illness. Your healthcare provider considers a diagnosis of Long COVID based on your health history, including if you had a diagnosis of COVID-19 either by a positive test or by symptoms or exposure, as well as based on a health examination.
People with Long COVID may experience many symptoms.
People with Long COVID can have a wide range of symptoms that can last weeks, months, or even years after infection. Sometimes the symptoms can even go away and come back again. For some people, Long COVID can last weeks, months, or years after COVID-19 illness and can sometimes result in disability.
Long COVID may not affect everyone the same way. People with Long COVID may experience health problems from different types and combinations of symptoms that may emerge, persist, resolve, and reemerge over different lengths of time. Though most patients’ symptoms slowly improve with time, speaking with your healthcare provider about the symptoms you are experiencing after having COVID-19 could help determine if you might have Long COVID.
People who experience Long COVID most commonly report:
General symptoms (Not a Comprehensive List)
Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life
Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort (also known as “post-exertional malaise”)
Respiratory and heart symptoms
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Chest pain
Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
Neurological symptoms
Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
Sleep problems
Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness)
Pins-and-needles feelings
Change in smell or taste
Depression or anxiety
Digestive symptoms
Stomach pain
Other symptoms
Joint or muscle pain
Changes in menstrual cycles
Symptoms that are hard to explain and manage
Some people with Long COVID have symptoms that are not explained by tests or easy to manage.
People with Long COVID may develop or continue to have symptoms that are hard to explain and manage. Clinical evaluations and results of routine blood tests, chest X-rays, and electrocardiograms may be normal. The symptoms are similar to those reported by people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and other poorly understood chronic illnesses that may occur after other infections. People with these unexplained symptoms may be misunderstood by their healthcare providers, which can result in a delay in diagnosis and receiving the appropriate care or treatment.
Review these tips to help prepare for a healthcare provider appointment for Long COVID.
Health conditions
Some people experience new health conditions after COVID-19 illness.
Some people, especially those who had severe COVID-19, experience multiorgan effects or autoimmune conditions with symptoms lasting weeks, months, or even years after COVID-19 illness. Multi-organ effects can involve many body systems, including the heart, lung, kidney, skin, and brain. As a result of these effects, people who have had COVID-19 may be more likely to develop new health conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, blood clots, or neurological conditions compared with people who have not had COVID-19.
People experiencing any severe illness may develop health problems
People experiencing any severe illness, hospitalization, or treatment may develop problems such as post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).
PICS refers to the health effects that may begin when a person is in an intensive care unit (ICU), and which may persist after a person returns home. These effects can include muscle weakness, problems with thinking and judgment, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a long-term reaction to a very stressful event. While PICS is not specific to infection with SARS-CoV-2, it may occur and contribute to the person’s experience of Long COVID. For people who experience PICS following a COVID-19 diagnosis, it is difficult to determine whether these health problems are caused by a severe illness, the virus itself, or a combination of both.
People More Likely to Develop Long COVID
Some people may be more at risk for developing Long COVID.
Researchers are working to understand which people or groups of people are more likely to have Long COVID, and why. Studies have shown that some groups of people may be affected more by Long COVID. These are examples and not a comprehensive list of people or groups who might be more at risk than other groups for developing Long COVID:
People who have experienced more severe COVID-19 illness, especially those who were hospitalized or needed intensive care.
People who had underlying health conditions prior to COVID-19.
People who did not get a COVID-19 vaccine.
People who experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) during or after COVID-19 illness.
Health Inequities May Affect Populations at Risk for Long COVID
Some people are at increased risk of getting sick from COVID-19 because of where they live or work, or because they can’t get health care. Health inequities may put some people from racial or ethnic minority groups and some people with disabilities at greater risk for developing Long COVID. Scientists are researching some of those factors that may place these communities at higher risk of getting infected or developing Long COVID.
Preventing Long COVID
The best way to prevent Long COVID is to protect yourself and others from becoming infected. For people who are eligible, CDC recommends staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccination, along with improving ventilation, getting tested for COVID-19 if needed, and seeking treatment for COVID-19 if eligible. Additional preventative measures include avoiding close contact with people who have a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 illness and washing hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Research suggests that people who get a COVID-19 infection after vaccination are less likely to report Long COVID, compared to people who are unvaccinated.
CDC, other federal agencies, and non-federal partners are working to identify further measures to lessen a person’s risk of developing Long COVID. Learn more about protecting yourself and others from COVID-19.
Living with Long COVID
Living with Long COVID can be hard, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.
People experiencing Long COVID can seek care from a healthcare provider to come up with a personal medical management plan that can help improve their symptoms and quality of life. Review these tips to help prepare for a healthcare provider appointment for Long COVID. In addition, there are many support groups being organized that can help patients and their caregivers.
Although Long COVID appears to be less common in children and adolescents than in adults, long-term effects after COVID-19 do occur in children and adolescents.
CDC is using multiple approaches to estimate how many people experience Long COVID. Each approach can provide a piece of the puzzle to give us a better picture of who is experiencing Long COVID. For example, some studies look for the presence of Long COVID based on self-reported symptoms, while others collect symptoms and conditions recorded in medical records. Some studies focus only on people who have been hospitalized, while others include people who were not hospitalized. The estimates for how many people experience Long COVID can be quite different depending on who was included in the study, as well as how and when the study collected information. Estimates of the proportion of people who had COVID-19 that go on to experience Long COVID can vary.
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