Bruce Call - All World Debt has been Paid off - USD is gone - Banks are Broke -9-8-23

1 year ago

Bruce Call - All World Debt has been Paid off - USD is gone - Banks are Broke -9-8-23

Video source - David Deeds and Bruce call -

Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 9:04 AM
Subject: Bruce Call Notes 9-7-23
Bruce Call Notes 9-7-23

Some international bond contacts in Geneva say that funds are moving overnight tonight and tomorrow primarily for NESARA/GESARA and also being moving for the bond holders. We do believe that the emails that are coming out and the activation of funds to the Tier 3bnond holders will occur Sunday night into Monday. We have a weekend while things are moving, but it looks like for us we will be right along side the bond holders in terms of getting access to funds, that will be on Monday-to-Monday night.

The funds are moving into their accounts and for us we should receive notifications Sunday night to Monday and hopefully can set appointments Monday night or Tuesday. That is the most recent information which came in just before the call tonight.

A few days ago at redemption centers the SKRs (safe keeping receipts) from 18-19 years ago were being paid out by redemption centers and they were paid not at the original guaranteed rate, but at the newer screen rates that showed up a few days ago. The rates are quite high—a lot more than we thought they’d be 18-19 years ago. That was encouraging. 80% in one case were military and 20% on-military. This was for dinar and dong only.

When that occurred that gave us the feeling that they have allowed for SKRs to be paid out, so we will be coming next, but Tier 3 bondholders slightly precede us, but not by much. They are looking forward to getting their funds Monday afternoon or evening. That may be when we get our numbers to set appointments.

Iraq did not post their new rate in the Gazette yesterday, but according to contacts in Iraq that should be in on Saturday. So, we have started with these SKRs. Funds are moving. (Another phrase we are tired of hearing…who, what where from, etc. etc.) We don’t always get these details!

There’s not a whole lot else to report right now other than how things are moving forward. (Intel has changed twice today already (indicating changes being made)). Sunday and Monday look like the current target dates. There are tons of arrests being made in New York (Buffalo, Rochester and one other town) in the last three days. This cleanup is good. There are half a million indictments around the world that are about to be opened. We are still in major clean-up mode. So, are we far enough along in the cleanup for this to do? I am being told yes. The deep state is out of money. The USD is no longer usable internationally. The USN needs to show up. The banks are out of money—can’t borrow any longer since the Federal Reserve was absorbed by the Treasury. The US debt has been paid off by the World Alliance Fund, and all debt around the world was paid off on September 1 as well. That is a great sign for us to move forward.

Things are getting done behind the scenes we don’t see such as arrests. I am encouraged on the Sunday night/Monday appointment calls. Things continue to move in the right direction. The SKRs being paid off are a sign lots is moving forward.
&& My words - hopefully we can get through this storm we are in right now and things will move forward nicely!

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