Weekly News for Sept. 8: C-18 Online by December

1 year ago

This week in news that mainstream media won't report and our government doesn't want you to hear...

• C-18 Online in December
• Gov. Agency Ignores 27,000 Consumer Bank Complaints
• Lich, Barber, Freedom Convoy Organizer's Trial Begins
• Courts Clearing Social Media Convoy Support
• Gun Toting Indigenous Man Gets Lights Sentence Because of Residential Schools
• Canadian Population Much Higher than Gov. Statistics Say
• Other Countries' Wars are Coming to Our Streets
• Mask Mandates Beginning Again in Canada
• New Study Debunks Asymptomatic Transmission
• Study Reveals How Much More Likely Vaxxed are to Die
• Department of Defense Study Proves Vax Brain Injuries
• Busty is No Longer Busty
• The Right Goes PC in the War Against the Left

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