Nicole: The CCP intentionally collapsing its own market to destroy the Western world economically

1 year ago

09/05/2023 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: The CCP is engaged in economic warfare against the United States. The CCP’s real estate market is about to collapse. Nobody should be under any illusion that the real estate is going to get backed up. It's all designed by the CCP to destroy the whole world economy. And Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China predicted this.
09/05/2023 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:中共正在对美国发动经济战,中共的房地产市场即将崩溃,任何人都不应该幻想中共房地产市场还会起死回生。这一切都是中共的故意设计,旨在摧毁全球经济,而新中国联邦的创始人郭文贵预言了这一点。

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