Testing natural treatment for bee sting

1 year ago

Bee Sting, Yep yet another and a new rule; #4 "Never use weed eater around beehives without FULL SUIT INCLUDING GLOVES"
I do know better but I went against my better judgment and did not walk back to the house for my gloves a 120 yards or so. Hind site that would have been the wise thing to do! I may yet learn that a small inconvenience will be much better than a quick solution.
I do believe the plantain did help, but the bee stinger was in place long enough to deliver a full dose of bee venom.
So don't use a weed eater around your beehives and Do locate some plantain near your apiary.

Count your blessings every day and I believe you will find you are blessed beyond measure.
#beekeeping101 #beesting #honeybees #homesteading #williefarms

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