The Shenzhen Reservoir released floodwaters with only a 7-minute advance notice to the public

1 year ago

9/8/2023 The Shenzhen Reservoir released floodwaters with only a 7-minute advance notice to the public. On September 8 at 12:08 AM local time, the CCP’s official media in Shenzhen announced that the Shenzhen Reservio would be discharging floodwaters at 12:15 AM, when most of them were still asleep! Videos circulating online show that many roads in Shenzhen were submerged, and water in certain areas reached waist-deep, a very dangerous situation indeed! As long as the CCP exists, disasters will not cease!
#Shenzhen #dischargeofflood #floods #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/8/2023 深圳水库泄洪仅提前7分钟通知民众。中共深圳官媒于当地时间9月8日凌晨12点8分发布消息称深圳水库将于凌晨12点15分泄洪!网上流传视频显示深圳多处路段浸水,有些地段水齐腰深,情况十分危险! 中共不灭,灾难不止!
#深圳 #泄洪 #洪灾 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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