30 Days of Preparedness: Top 5 Grid Down Cooking Methods

1 year ago

How will you cook your food when the power goes out? In this video, we will share with you our top 5 methods for cooking when the grid goes down. Plan to cook both indoors and outdoors!

***Sun Oven https://www.sunoven.com/product/provident-preppers-edition/
***VESTA Indoor Space Heater & Stove https://bit.ly/3TLAgHl or at http://instafire.com/providentprepper (use promo code PROVIDENT LOVES VESTA for 15% off on the InstaFire site only)
***SafeHeat (Amazon) https://amzn.to/3gOS6L4
***SafeHeat (MyPatriotSupply) https://bit.ly/3TLAgHl
***SafeHeat ... The least expensive place to purchase it is at a restaurant supply company or Sam's Club.
***Sterno Folding Camp Stove https://amzn.to/3LhXcvz
***Insulated Thermal Cooker https://amzn.to/3RlsMfE
***Kelly Kettle https://amzn.to/3ZbPGIh
***InstaFire INFERNO MyPatriotSupply https://bit.ly/3NBW722
InstaFire http://instafire.com/providentprepper (Use promo code PROVIDENT LOVES INFERNO for 15% off)

Thermal Cookers: Powerful Solution for Efficient Emergency Cooking

Candles as an Emergency Fuel Source for Warmth, Light, and Cooking

30-Day Grid-Down Cooking Challenge - Lessons Learned and Fuel Usage

Solar Ovens: Cooking With the Sun in an Emergency and Every Day

Charcoal: Inexpensive Fuel for Outdoor Emergency Cooking

Best Alcohol Cooking Fuels for Campers and Preppers

Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions

Emergency Cooking: 12 Family Favorites

Apple Box Reflector Oven - Instructions

Paper Box Reflector Oven - Instructions

30 Days of Preparedness: Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfkCv6z-tN3XuWG2id7hG9x6HpE12soNs
Rogue Preparedness - https://www.youtube.com/@RoguePreparedness
Survivalist Prepper - https://www.youtube.com/@survivalistprepper
Prepper Potpourri - https://www.youtube.com/@PrepperPotpourri
Iridium242 - https://www.youtube.com/@Iridium242
Prepping with Sarge - https://www.youtube.com/@PreppingWithSarge
The Preparedness Guy - https://www.youtube.com/@ThePreparednessGuyOfficial
Vision Preparedness - https://www.youtube.com/@visionpreparedness
The Provident Prepper - https://www.youtube.com/@TheProvidentPrepper
MuthaPrepper - https://www.youtube.com/@MuthaPrepper
The Angry Prepper - https://www.youtube.com/@TheAngryPrepper
DIY Prepper TV - https://www.youtube.com/@diypreppertv
Suttons Daze - https://www.youtube.com/@SuttonsDaze
Rule The Wasteland - https://www.youtube.com/@TheLordHumungus
The Digital Prepper - https://www.youtube.com/@TheDigitalPrepper
Cold War Prepper - https://www.youtube.com/@ColdWarPrepper
Praxis Homesteading and Survival Skills - https://www.youtube.com/@PraxisPrepper
City Prepping - https://www.youtube.com/@CityPrepping

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