LZHOME LED Garage Light Review

1 year ago

A often over looked part of your garage is the lighting. Maybe you don't spend a lot of time in it or maybe you just learned to live with it because setting up shop lighting is a pain. Well you are in luck LZHOME LED Garage Light fits into your stander light socket and puts to shame that little lightbulb you have in it now.

This video goes over the general construction of the LZHOME LED Garage Light as well as power usage, heat out put, and two sets of lighting examples versus stander LED lightbulbs.

Intro: 0:00
Specs: 1:26
Attic light test: 5:08
Garage light test: 7:17
Back to review: 10:03

Where to buy:
*As an Amazon Associate/Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases*
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3e6bAWq (affiliate link)

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#LZHOME # LEDGarageLight #LED

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