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1 year ago

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BREAKING: Trump attorney John Eastman’s testimony -

• Zuckbucks, with $8.8 million provided to Wisconsin's five large cities, violated the law:
• Zuckerberg's "employees" work for the clerk’s offices and get access to voter information that costs the public $12,500 but has a 4-5 day delay, so there is no way to verify activation.
• If clerks did not comply with Zuckerburg’s employees, there was a ‘penalty.’
• They had access and chased down ballots that were requested but not returned.
• Zuckerberg's employees essentially "ran the elections" while making statements against Trump.
• The WI Supreme Court confirmed ballot boxes were illegally placed, causing "illegally cast votes."
• The guy Zuckerburg hired to run the operation wrote a book on how to win the election in this manner.

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