Jbuck & Co Everything News: Science of Elitism

1 year ago

The News and Discussion hours are intermixed in this edition.
Topics: Maui, Electric lines, missing children, Jim Stone, Daniela Caviglia chief magazine editor, World Integrated Trade Solution, 2017 order of Covid-19 tests, Judge loses career for protecting children from mask mandates, NZ Prime Minister hypocrisy, Elena Danaan ET contactee and Maui fire information, White hat commentary;

Mind control, ICIC Jason Christoff, Europe punishes free speech, Google ban on search results, Top 50 censorship companies, Governments that turn totalitarian, UN cybercrime aka global surveillance pact, Top law schools ditch constitution, Government Malfeasance, Georiga election fraud, Alan Dershowitz book "Get Trump", Jim Hoft and voter registration fraud in Michigan, Sadiq Khan legal ruling, Steve Quayle and Sabrina say White Hats are a psyop, Q-Anon and Bolshevik Psyop similarities

FBI declassifies McMartin Preschool satanic ritual abuse files, EU parliament fighting a WHO world takeover, The Public Bank Solution, Javier Milei Argentina libertarian, Jaiden support from law firms for wearing "Don't Tread on Me" to school, Blue Beam shock and awe, false voice of God events on the table to happen soon, BRICS is not the solution, Opinion - Self-help, It's a race between a rise in consciousness and Deep State gaining ever more control

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