黑色暴雨-09-07-08-2023-香港各區水浸影片合集, 香港 139 年來難得一遇的黑色大暴雨, 香港受洪水侵襲, 各區水浸的實況 ! 沒想到破壞程度令你驚嚇 !

1 year ago

黑色暴雨-09-07-08-2023-香港各區水浸影片合集, 香港 139 年來難得一遇的黑色大暴雨, 香港受洪水侵襲, 各區水浸的實況 ! 沒想到破壞程度令你驚嚇 !

Black Rainstorm - 09-07-08-2023 - A collection of videos of flooding in various districts in Hong Kong. A rare black rainstorm in Hong Kong in 139 years. Hong Kong is affected by floods. The real situation of flooding in various districts! Unexpectedly, the extent of the damage will shock you!

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