More School Library books on Satan, Witchcraft, Gay, LGBTQ than on Jesus Christ - 08/31/23

1 year ago

08/31/2023 - Lake Central School Corporation - School Board meeting:

There are more School Library books on the topics of Satan, Witchcraft, Gay, LGBTQ, Curses, Sorcery, Homosexuality, and Demons than on Jesus Christ in a public school district's libraries system in a town named Saint John, IN.

Patrick Bet-David said best in his video presentation of why and how the transgender movement arose and is forcing it's agenda upon America and our youth, and the problem and solution is passive, tolerant Christians....

Problem: "ROMAN" Catholic Christians, unlike Muslims and unlike Orthodox Christians, tolerate and appease any all minorities to not fight with one another, permit their values and morals to denigrate over time to be forever tolerant and peaceful with the loud demanding minorities and in the end, the Catholic Christians are so far removed from their beliefs due to their steadfastness to tolerance.

You don't find these problems in Orthodox Christian Nations, nor is it found in Islamic Countries. Why? Because their constituents and governments would NOT tolerate losing their beliefs, values, morals, customs, traditions, and identity.

Q: What's the one religion that is ever evolving? Answer: "ROMAN" Catholicism.

Catholicism changes with the whatever the wind blew in and has created a tolerant class of people that just want to get along and be accepting of anything and everything.

Catholicism split from Orthodoxy and Catholicism has been mutating ever since to what it is today. Which is one of thousands of reasons why the attendance of "Roman" Catholic Churches have declined over the decades?

Solution: "ROMAN" Catholic Christians to wake up and acknowledge what has played out for centuries, visit an Orthodox Christian Church to see whether their Church Liturgy Service is more aligned with what you believe as a Christian, and what you may find is that Orthodoxy is traditional, familial, and true to Bible and scripture. Catholics and Orthodox Christians crossed with three fingers with their right hand as all Christians did in the days before the Vatican "ROME" Schism.
Whether or not Catholics visit Orthodox Christian Churches, the solution is not to cave in on your Christian values and fight for God as David did against Goliath, fight for our Country as the Anetican Revolutionary War heroes have against the English Crown...we must fight informationally, motivate and ignite other Patriots to get involved, and get into local government and become the change necessary to save this great nation!

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