Oct 19, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... They teach another Jesus, therefore shall only Women in Mourning remain

1 year ago

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Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

The Lord says… They teach another JESUS…
Therefore shall only Women in Mourning remain

October 19, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… Do not rejoice when a church of men falls, for they are fallen already, even all of them. Behold, they will seek to rebuild, yet I shall surely throw down, for their hearts remain hard and their desires wanton. Thus only utter ruin will bring about the change, only total destruction will open the eyes of those held captive, setting them free when their four walls collapse before their eyes… Yet this is but the beginning.

Therefore, pray for your brothers and sisters in the churches of men, for their chains remain in tact, and only a very few have come out seeking to loose them. Again I say, do not rejoice in another’s misfortune, or have you forgotten My tears? For the ruin which is coming for them is far greater than this… Even calamity and great destruction, at the hand of The Almighty!

For thus far they have brought about their own ruin, for man-made glory is a quickly fading flower… For they seek always a way to retain their corrupt riches, for a way to hide their shame… A false glory!

And behold, that by which they have fallen is far worse than that which is perceived by the world, for they have uplifted themselves to new heights! They have built great and lavish houses, setting each one upon the shifting sands of religion, tradition, and the doctrines of men, oblivious to the great destruction which is coming quickly to overtake them!… Oh from what a great height have they fallen! Even their steeples seek to pierce Heaven!

Behold, from a very lofty perch, from dizzying heights, have they fallen. For I had offered them the Kingdom of Heaven, yet they turn to Me the back and not the front. They embrace their own way, and love the things of men more than the things of God; they have lost their way and draw back the hand… Behold, they have refused Me!…

Returning instead to their idols, which even now have become their masters, though they say within themselves… ‚I answer to no one; I am free and in need of nothing. This is my house; to IT am I married. And I will follow the traditions of my fathers, and no one will turn me aside. I am a bride in waiting, and I will NEVER be a widow.‘

Woe to this adulterous people! Woe to all these estranged women dressed in fine apparel!… I DO NOT KNOW THEM!… Even to this day, they remain strangers to Me! Says The Lord.

My children, do you not see? They have hated Me! And by all their doings do they crucify Me, again and again! For they worship another god; and within their churches they teach the people of another Jesus, one which they themselves have created… These are not of My body! BEHOLD! THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE ME!

How many tears must I suffer, as they drive the nails into My hands and My feet over and over, crucifying Me again and again, piercing My side without ceasing to the rending of My heart?!

Beloved, My children in the churches have removed themselves far from Me! For they have played the harlot and cleave to the breast of another!… Tears! Great anguish fills My heart! The stripes which I bore for them remain, yet they will not look upon them, nor will they consider… Yes, beloved, I bear them still! Even as they continue to bruise Me and persecute My body, while mocking Me, spitting upon My face on account of My words, continuing in their unjust cause, that they might silence My messengers and shut My mouth from speaking!

I tell you the truth, they have hated both Me and My Father! And for the sake of envy, they stone My Bride! For they judge those who are lowly, and turn their backs on those who come seeking bread, failing to look past the surface! Behold, they pollute the name of God without ceasing, even the name The Father gave Me, the name We share!… The Father and The Son are One!

Beloved, even the least of their brethren are made to conform to their image! They heap up offenses one upon another! And those who depart their company, or bring forth a just complaint, are judged swiftly and very harshly, slandered and cast out!… What shall I do with a people such as this?! Shall I not repay?! For they have surely robbed Me! Therefore whatsoever they have done, even to the least of these, My servants, so in like manner shall it be done unto them!

Therefore, I am coming down, and My Bride shall be taken!… My every treasure shall be gone from this place, and not one of the little ones shall remain!

Then shall this luxuriously adorned ‚bride‘, even all these churches of men, become as the widow; for her husband, which she has made in her own image, shall die on that day, and she shall be left all alone…

Behold, only women in mourning shall remain. Then they shall know, I AM THE LORD!… And there is none like Me in all the earth!

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