NADIR ALI c’ | WEAK INSULIN causes SKY HIGH GLUCAGON: muscle breakdown; protein breakdown

1 year ago
presents episode 1076 | Dr Nadir Ali
Nadir Ali MD podcast

Why is our brain starved for fuel when insulin resistant?
-insulin receptors are absent or not working
-cause: years of high carb
eating: hyperinsulinemia
-causing defective receptor
sugar entry to cell
-no protein production
-receptor hides in cell
-or destroyed by lysosomes

With no receptor, brain cannot ignite chemical reactions to
-improve synaptic connections between brain cells
-lose memory
-lose brain function
Green line: phase 1 response
RED LINE: delayed response
-even with high insulin

Green alpha & red hypertrophied beta cells in Type 2 diabetic...
-phase 1 response gone [no control of glucagon]
-insulin UP
-liver outputs more glucose
into bloodstream
Sky High Glucagon
-muscle breakdown
-liver sugar output UP
-breaks down PROTEIN!
-VLDL output by liver
-becomes ectopic fat in pancreas, heart, liver


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